Pete was seen by the consultant this morning and he had indicated to them his pain in his groin so the Consultant Urologist was called and he had a bladder scan where they found that he has not been able to empty his bladder and there was quite a build up of urine, causing the pain and discomfort. This is when my guilt kicked in - I had not believed him as to how bad it was. This damned aphasia again causing problems as he couldn't talk to me about how it was for him.
A catheter was put in and, thankfully, this seems to have relieved the problem but he is being referred to the Urologist in Plymouth Hospital. He was seen by the Psychiatrist this afternoon who then rang me to discuss it. Having had a long talk with the Psychiatrist about Pete, his history and his feelings we both agreed that this had been a one off brought about because he couldn't get his feelings across. He has not prescribed anti-depressants as neither of us feel he needs them at the moment, the problem now being sorted.
Pete is now home with the catheter still in, it has to stay in until he has his appointment at Plymouth. This is a bit daunting but I have been shown how to empty it and how to attach a large bag at night (sorry, probably too much information!) . During the day he has a smaller bag strapped to his leg.
Pete seems much happier tonight and I am hoping someone is standing by the light switch ready to turn it back on to give a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.
The down side is he has no sleeping tablet to take for the next few nights!!!! So, could be long nights but I hope not.
And that is the position at the moment. Incidentally, the ward staff did seem very nice and had understood his aphasia and given the time he needed to him.