Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Psychology Session and then a surprise for Me, Me, Me!!

Another psychology session this morning which went really well and with not so many tears as usual!  Candy noticed a change in Pete straight away, said he was looking much more cheerful and brighter than last time when she left feeling quite concerned about him.  He certainly seems a bit more cheerful this last couple of days - I'm not sure whether it is the nerve blockers starting to kick in or not.  Pete is very keen to take them so I think they must be starting to make a difference but haven't blocked the pain altogether.  He still spends some of the day sitting on the bed with his legs up on the bed which obviously must help, but he is also spending more time back in the sitting room.  He told Candy the pain is easing but then told me it wasn't!!  So which is it?  I said to him he must say it how it is and not say what he thinks we want to hear.  
We haven't started the new antidepressants yet and Pete is basically indicating he doesn't want to take them.  I can't force the issue even though I think they would help, but, on the other hand, if he is feeling better without them, does he need them?  I think his main issue is that he can't have a sleeping tablet at the same time and he is now very reliant on these, also psychologically I think he feels a failure if he needs to take them.  I find it hard when he feels low so would rather he took them, even if only for a short time, but he has to make the decision himself.
One thing that makes me think the nerve blockers are beginning to work is that, for the last 2 days, he has helped with getting tea.  He has been getting plates out, taking things through to the table and setting the table, things he used to do but had stopped.  This is a very positive sign that things may be slowly picking up - I hope so.  Also his appetite is slowly improving, slowly yes, but improving all the same.  He has started eating cakes and chocolate biscuits again - not good for you I know, but good for him! Get some weight back on is the challenge! 
Now to me, me, me!!!   I had a really nice time out with the lovely ladies on Sunday evening.  Caught up on all the chat and gossip and had a good laugh - just what I needed!!  These 3 ladies have all been there for me throughout and I can never thank them enough.  
Then today I was lured over to the ward I used to work on, only to be given some fantastic leaving presents! What a shock and surprise!! I had some beautiful flowers, a lovely scarf, some gift cards to spend and a mug by Sophie Allport.  The mug made me laugh, and will continue to do so every time I use it, because it is decorated on a gardening theme - one of my pet hates!!  The girl who bought it mistakenly thought I liked gardening!  But it is totally acceptable and, as I said, will make me laugh whenever I have a cup of tea or coffee - brilliant!
So, I am feeling much more upbeat at the moment - long may it last.  

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