Saturday, 24 August 2013

Creeping Forward

I really don't want to tempt fate, but it seems like we are still creeping forwards.
The warm foot on Thursday was just a blip, we don't know what caused it but it doesn't seem to have left any bad after effects.  We are now back to normal with a cold foot!  Perhaps not as icy as usual but that could be my imagination!  
As luck would have it, the District Nurse visited on Friday which was very helpful.  The reason she called in (we weren't expecting her and, typically, I had just embarked on my usual futile attempts to remove a few years by putting some hair dye on!! Had to apologise profusely for my appearance and did I feel stupid!) was to check Pete for any pressure sores and see his heel.  She had also been informed I had refused delivery of some equipment and wondered why.  The answer was very simple - they tried to deliver a heel cushion and cushion to sit on which we had already been given and also wanted to leave a single mattress - AGAIN! I refused it last time and did again as we have no single bed and what should have come was a double overlay for a mattress.  She said she will order the overlay, so I wished her luck on that one as it was supposed to have been ordered twice before - third time lucky perhaps!  We will see! 
She checked Pete over and he has no sores, probably because he is moving around so much more now and not just sitting for hours on end.  His heel is totally healed and looking good, but still have to put a protective cream on it as it is now a vulnerable area.  He doesn't have any dressings or other protection on it now.  I told her about his foot being warm and she didn't really know why that happened but it is fine, no infections or anything and she confirmed his circulation is fine.
I also mentioned to her that Pete had to have a blood test ( at the request of Haematology Dept.) and that I was going to ask the doctor if one of the nurses could visit and take the blood rather than him having to go to the surgery for it - her answer was "I will do that now", which she did - excellent!   She said they will always come out to do anything if it means we don't have to go to surgery.  Brilliant service.
Today we have been to the Garage for Pete to sign a form so that they can register the new car we are getting on the Motobility Scheme, we take delivery on 3rd September. Yay!!  I don't think I have talked about this before so will give details in the next blog. Very exciting! 

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