We went to Martin and Mel for Christmas lunch and the afternoon. Although we both enjoyed it (oh the relief to get out the house for a while!) I have compared the photos from last year to the ones taken this year and Pete has definitely deteriorated and there were no big smiles from him although he seemed happy enough. He also insisted on using the wheelchair from the car to the front door whereas he had been able to walk that a few months ago. When we got home Pete was very very tired and I mentioned having a FaceTime session with Adrian but he said no. However, he had a doze and a Mars bar and that seemed to revive him, so we did have a chat with Adrian after all which was good as it seemed as if we had seen the whole family by the end of the day. Pete did eat a good meal which was absolutely delicious as usual.
On Boxing Day afternoon Martin and family came over for some nibbles and present swapping - we do that on Boxing Day as the kids get so much on Christmas Day and it spreads it out a bit. Also had another FaceTime link with Adrian and Amie. Again, Pete was really shattered in the evening, in fact he did take himself off for a rest on the bed at about 4.30pm.
All in all, we had a lovely Christmas but it goes so quickly. I also feel so sad that Pete cannot enjoy it as he used to - he used to love all the decorating, planning, cooking, present wrapping, etc - all gone now. It's at times like these that I really feel for him and just cannot imagine what his thoughts are. I am going to put up a couple of photos - one of Pete and me and one of Martin and his family.
One disappointment was that I ordered a pair of wireless headphones for Pete as he can then sit wherever he wants to listen to music instead of being at the mercy of the headphone lead, but, although I ordered them on 13th December, they never arrived - indeed they still haven't come.
To get back to basics, we have had a letter to ring up and book Pete in for the insertion of the suprapubic catheter. It will be done in Day Surgery but now I am starting to worry and panic about it as, as far as I know, you have to be there about 7.30am but then may wait around all day before going in. Now, I know that is not going to work in Pete's case - there is no way he will be able to sit there staring into space all day without going into a massive rage. So what do I do about that? I will have to ring on Monday and will see what they say and, perhaps, request he doesn't wait too long - but I know they will just say they can't guarantee that. So I can see major problems with, perhaps, the end result being that I have to take him home before it is done. As I have said before, sometimes it seems as if I am trying to push rocks with feathers and it is emotionally exhausting!