Monday, 16 December 2013

Good Weekend

Say it quietly but, we have had a very reasonable weekend! 
Pete hasn't been too bad although still stuck in his low mood but his temper has improved very slightly and he hasn't got angry too often.
On Saturday it was the Christmas meal for the Lovely Ladies where we all had a really nice evening.  I will put a photo of them at the end of this (the other 3 that is, not me!!).  From left to right they are Ashton, Fiona and Mel.  Although it is a cliche, these three amazing ladies really are my rocks and keep me sane.  I was a bit worried during the day because Pete didn't seem too happy and I was a bit worried for Martin having to cope with him, but he went on the bed and was fine.  I must admit that whilst I was out I didn't really give him much thought!  Fiona's daughter is a professional trained carer and I think I may get her to come in sometimes just to give Pete a bit of therapy and give me a break occasionally.  She used to come in to my mum so Pete knows her and we both know she is also an amazing person, always treating her clients with respect.  Anyway it is a thought for the new year.
Pete had another set of bloods taken again today so I hope they turn out ok.
We have also heard from the Stroke Association about the meetings they are going to have once a week, for 6 weeks, starting in January.  They sound like they may be quite helpful but I am still not sure about going - the big problem being the speech therapist, but I think I will probably definitely go to the first one at least, even if Pete doesn't, just to see what happens there.
And that is it for tonight, except to say Pete has an appointment with the consultant urologist on Thursday.  Hopefully he will have some suggestions on dispensing with the catheter.

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