Monday, 13 January 2014

Rubbish Life!

Do you know that feeling when you either want to smack someone and scream at them or else you just want to sit down and cry?  Well, I know it all too well!!                                                                Today I have resumed my ongoing battle with Boots.  I went to collect the 2 items that were missing from Pete's regular prescription last Thursday, and also to collect my regular prescription.  I got one item for Pete and the other they will not have until 18th January, so helpful! Luckily we can last until then - which is just as well as Boots seemed totally unconcerned about it, just said there was nothing they could do. The fact that they had a month to order the item seems to have completely passed them by!  Then it came to my prescription - that seems to have totally disappeared into the ether, no sign of either the script or medication despite the fact that, again, they were ordered a month ago.  The pharmacist agreed to do an emergency prescription as it was a regular one - come back in 15 minutes, this after I had, again, stood there for 20 minutes whilst they scrabbled around claiming none of it was their fault.  Go back in 15 minutes to find one item still missing - by then I had had enough and also had to rush to catch the bus (or Pete would have got anxious that I hadn't returned) so decided to just take it and go and not argue the toss.  Did I want to order for next month - I really don't think so!  I am changing to another pharmacy as from NOW thank you very much! 
Why, oh why, oh why is it all such a bloody fight?  These places offer this infallible repeat prescription service which they totally cannot fulfill.  Apparently they are so very busy - not my problem, don't offer the service if you can't do it.  They also offer a new service now whereby they will text you when your prescription is ready - really? Even though they don't have time to fill regular prescriptions as they are so busy??  Nuts!!  End of rant! 
On the up side, with the sound exercises we do ..... Pete can now say my name!!  Yay!! Progress.  He can't process to use it when he wants me yet but, hopefully, that will come sometime in the future.  It is a major lift, for both of us, that he can actually say it.  
It is steps like that make us keep up the fight against aphasia.  One tiny step at a time. 

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