Monday, 7 April 2014

After Care

Following the op last Thursday, on Friday Pete was doing very well - he didn't seem to have any excessive pain and was quite happy.  However, that didn't last!!  By Saturday he started to go downhill and was in a lot of pain at the actual site of the op.  I looked at it and realised no one had given me any instructions on changing the dressing or anything.  I should have asked but got so involved with the flip-flow that I totally forgot - and the flip-flow is also another story that I will come to in a bit!  
I had a chat with The Oracle (my sister) and she advised I ring the district nurses for advice as there was no way the original dressing should stay on for 8-10 weeks which is when his next appointment should be.  She wasn't sure about the flip-flow and reasons for suddenly wanting that to be used.
The dressing seemed to be blood soaked and was starting to roll off a tiny bit by Sunday but I didn't dare touch it.  
This morning I rang the District Nurses and she said she would visit and change it and check it over.  She was here by 10am and was horrified that no one had told me what to do with the dressing.  She took it off and cleaned the wound (which is a tiny cut about half an inch long - bit like a stab wound, not that I've ever seen a stab wound, only on TV!!!!) and it is looking a bit red and angry, but she wasn't sure if it was just inflamed or is infected.  I have to watch it and if it gets redder or spreads to ring the GP for antibiotics. She showed me how to dress it when necessary and left some dressings.  She was also startled when I said he has to use the flip-flow, she couldn't understand this as he has been on continuous flow for 11 months and his bladder will have lost sensation and be like a deflated balloon!  We agreed the best course will be for Pete to empty it regularly - say every hour to start with, and then build the time up as he gets more used to it.  She said it would be fine to still connect the night bags and leave it open as we don't want to be getting up (means a lot of effort for Pete) regularly throughout the night - so that is the plan!!  The hospital gave me one flip-flow so I assumed that would stay on until he goes back BUT .... It has to be changed every week, just like the leg bags were!!!  I am so glad I mentioned it to her as hadn't really planned to.  She decided she will come in next week to check the wound and furnish me with a supply of flip-flows and, thereafter, I can get them on prescription.  So there we go - perhaps the hospital weren't as brilliant as I thought they were! 
I nearly cancelled going out Saturday evening but decided I really needed to get away for a while and Martin could ring me if he needed me.  I had a great evening with the Lovely Ladies with the usual gossip and laughter! 
And on we go - hopefully the pain will start easing soon for Pete and we can get back to the usual routine.

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