It is nearly 2 years since Pete had his stroke and, far from moving forward, he is now worse than when he first came home from hospital - with no indication that things will ever improve now.
I started the blog with high hopes and with plenty to say about the situation, but now every day is the same and I have nothing to say.
I am a 24/7 carer, the only breaks being one and a half hour to go shopping in town once a week and about one hour a week at tesco and/or the Co Op.
I did think things would be better once I could drive and we could go out, but that was wishful thinking as Pete refuses to leave the house except for appointments - he won't even go for a walk around the garden, never mind a drive.
The aphasia is as severe as ever and his mobility has deteriorated. He has a permanent catheter and also epilepsy (fortunately kep under control at present).
What else is there to say? Nothing.
So, I'm thinking, That's All Folks.
Hi Shirley - I accidentally stumbled upon your blog today and just wanted to say how sorry I was to read your last post from 2014. I don't know what's happened since then, but it sounds like you've had a very difficult time and I hope, somehow, things are a bit better now. Saying a prayer for you and your husband, God bless.