Saturday, 23 November 2013

Feeling Safe

This is going to be a fairly short post as there is nothing much happening at the moment!  Pete's mood remains low and today, especially, he has been so quiet it is quite worrying.  Last night we had a FaceTime session with Adrian which boosted him for a while.  I know he misses Adrian quite a lot as he can't get down here that often.  We are lucky that Martin and family live near and come in often.  
Talking of Martin it reminds me that Mel has booked the Lovely Ladies Christmas Outing in a restaurant - and I'm not allowed to wear jeans!!!  This means I have to get something bordering on posh to wear!!!  This means a shopping trip and Mel and Fiona are going to help me - but I have told them they are not allowed to bully me!!! I am really looking forward to it, the 4 of us will have a good time.  Another thing we have to look forward to is that on Thursday, weather permitting, Pete's sister and brother-in-law are coming for a visit.  Pete will enjoy that I know.
Whenever I go to town Pete always goes on the bed.  As I usually go in the afternoon I haven't really thought about this fact as he goes for a rest every afternoon, but this morning I had a driving lesson and Pete took himself off there which is unusual.  When I go out in the evening he always goes on the bed aswell which has puzzled me a bit as Martin is always here.  Thinking about it today I think he goes there whenever I am out as that is where he feels safe and nothing will happen to him (falling or anything).  This has been happening ever since we went through that period of him not wanting to be left on his own.  It must be quite worrying for him to be on his own I think and if he goes where he feels safest then that is fine. Feeling safe is very important - to everyone really.
That is about all there is to say today. Abrupt end, sorry! 

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