I am still brooding about the events of Wednesday - it is like a festering wound. I keep telling myself to forget it but it just keeps going round and round in my head. How must Pete feel? He was so looking forward to her coming, had his ipad ready and also the book he writes in to show her, but unfortunately we never got that far. It is like someone you like and respect comes in and, after a few pleasantries, announces you are absolute rubbish, a total waste of space who will never improve no matter how hard you strive to do so, and will never amount to anything. How could she do that to Pete? Thinking back, she did say any improvements will be made in the first six months - if that is the case why did she waste her time all these months? That is when she said the brain cells are destroyed so end of story, she said something about stem cell research not going to go anywhere. I was always told that you should never hate anyone, you can despise or actively dislike them, but not hate as it is a damaging emotion - but, I'm sorry, my feelings are close to hate at the moment. Just for the way she said it and how it must affect Pete to be told that.
Anyway, moving on, I have been thinking about how much hope plays a part in all our lives. We all live in hope of some sort or other almost all our lives. We hope to do well at school and pass exams, etc., we hope to get a good job that will pay well and we will enjoy, we hope to meet someone who will become our partner and soulmate (and I did), we hope to have children, we hope our children will be healthy, happy and do well in life, we hope we will stay healthy as we get older and, then the biggie - we hope to win the lottery!!!! You see? Hope plays a big part in all our lives. Not all hopes are fulfilled but it is what keeps us all going. If our hopes and dreams are destroyed - what is left? Perhaps you don't agree with that but it is what I think and, particularly now, it is what makes me go on.
So on we will go.
Without hope, nothing is possible. You both instilled hope in me, and because of that I am where I am, and doing what I am doing. There is always hope, and every day and every tiny breakthrough proves that. The determination you both have also walks hand in hand with that hope. So please do not listen to that lady! I know you both better than her, and I know there is always hope.