Yesterday Pete attended Vista Class as usual on a Monday, but this week he apparently went on the treadmill! That was a first for him, but they said he got on alright - he was only on it for a couple of minutes at a time but went on at least twice. I can't really imagine how he managed it, but manage it he did, so that has got to be good. He also went on the exercise bike there and they did the usual arm stretches with him - all in all quite a strenuous session by the sound of it!
We have had some beautiful sunny afternoons and so yesterday Pete walked around the garden - the first time he has gone out for ages. It is so good to see him out in the sun enjoying fresh air.
Suzanne, the physio, has asked if she could meet him in town for a walk around. This could be a bit awkward as Martin would have to take even more time off work for us, so we have agreed with Pete that we will go down to the park in the evenings and he can walk around there - this will build his confidence in walking outside and also build up stamina. So we are hoping Suzanne will agree to this for the moment.
Today was the much anticipated day - Botox injections! Last time we had to wait for an hour or more but today we only waited about 10 minutes! I told the consultant that the last lot had had absolutely no effect whatsoever, so he more or less admitted that they do some times miss! Anyway he took a lot more time over it today and gave 5 injections altogether although in total it was still the same dosage as last time. There was one in the top of his chest (full amount), then 2 in the top of his right arm (half in each) and then 2 in his forearm (half in each). This should ensure that they will work this time, so everyone keep their fingers crossed for him please. I really hope they have the same effect as the first lot. Pete had indicated he wanted me to ask if he could have them in his right leg as well, despite the physios saying it wasn't necessary. So I did as I was told and mentioned it, but the consultant asked if he stood up and walked and when having it confirmed that he did, he said if he did inject his leg he wouldn't be able to stand - so that solved that and Pete was quite happy. So now we wait.
The other thing that happened today was that I had my first driving lesson in an automatic car!! I have had 7 lessons in a manual but found the gears totally impossible! Don't know why, but I just couldn't get on with them. I had to put too much thought into changing gears and it was really bothering me, so last week decided to go automatic. Pete had been against this but, as I explained to him, if he is going to drive again (which may or may not happen) he could only do it in an automatic so we would have to change the car anyway. So he is now quite happy with the situation ..... and so am I!!! I got on so much better today and, in my opinion, a clutch and gear stick are totally unnecessary accessories in a car!!! I found it so much easier and feel I can start to enjoy learning to drive now. Mel is also learning to drive and things are starting to click into place for her so I am confident she will succeed where I failed - mind you, last week when she went to change gear she grabbed the instructor's leg instead!! Hilarious!! It makes me laugh every time I think about it - yes, at the moment, I am the local idiot who walks down the street laughing away to themself!
Tomorrow it's both speech therapy and physio for Pete and work for me.
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