The pain in Pete's right leg is back! Unfortunately it seems that the calf muscles are really tightening up again. We did a few gentle exercises in the kitchen (this was after the pain had returned) to try to release them, but it seemed to be too painful to do many, nor has Pete done any walking today. I am wondering whether he should go to the Vista Class tomorrow, but he probably will, but I will have to mention the pain - perhaps they will be able to suggest something to help. His hip had been alright most of the weekend, to the extent he was back sitting on the sofa most of the time, but this evening he has brought the wheelchair into the sitting room to sit in that, so his hip must be uncomfortable again. Mind you, he hasn't taken any painkillers so it is still bearable.
We had a bit of a fight yesterday whilst making a cottage pie, the usual thing in that I didn't do it the way he wanted! He still loses his temper very very quickly - this is pure frustration I think in that he can't do something and can't explain to me what he wants me to do.
Yesterday the weather was absolutely beautiful, warm and sunny. Pete did venture outside, even though he had said earlier he wasn't going to, but when he opened the front door to see what the weather was doing, instead of flinching with the cold, it was really warm so he decided to go out. We met our landlord ( who also lives on the property) who had a good chat and he has cleared out Pete's greenhouse and cleaned it up after the winter, now it is all ready for us to plan what to plant this year - it won't be too much as gardening is Pete's thing, not mine!! Perhaps some tomatoes and runner beans. Nothing too complicated as if I don't do it right, there will be arguments!!
We have had a really nice weekend with Wendy staying - I have really enjoyed having her here for more than a day and will miss her when she goes home tomorrow. She has been going through all our mum's photograph albums, so lots of reminiscing there. There are also lots of very old photos which she is trying to identify to get the family tree. Very, very interesting but she has a lot more patience than me so I am relying on her to give me the finished product!!
And that has been our weekend, I hope yours has been good.
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