Monday, 22 April 2013

Temper Outbursts

Over the last couple of days we have had several instances of me not understanding what Pete is trying to say. The trouble is that if I don't understand quickly then Pete loses his temper (he can't help this, it is all part of not being in full control of his emotions) and this then leads to him getting quite confused when I am trying to understand by asking the same questions over and over, some times he will answer yes to a question then a few seconds later will answer no to the same question. This then leads to us both getting quite hot under the collar and I have to walk away having lost my temper as well. This is the only action to take, but sometimes I begin to feel I am being used as a whipping post on which he can vent his frustrations. Fair enough really as there is no-one else around! Pete is very fond of just waving his arm vaguely in the direction of what he is trying to talk about - this is very annoying!!! And frustrating!!! It all is down to the damned aphasia and there is no solution at the moment. We just have to carry on and hope. The only bright side of this is that these outbursts don't usually last too long, (probably because I walk away!!).
Yesterday we bought some tomato plants, cucumber plants and grow-bags to put them in!! Unfortunately Pete couldn't come in with us as the place was not wheelchair friendly, but he seems ok with what I got. Today we have put the plants in the grow-bags and now just have to plant some runner bean seeds in a couple of days time. It is still too cold to put anything outside so there is no rush yet. We had a couple of arguments in the process of putting the plants in - I wasn't doing it properly!!
Today was Vista again and I think Pete went on the treadmill again and the exercise bike. He has been on the exercise bike at home every day and doing more walking, but still takes pain killers for his leg, but not as many over the last couple of days.
Pete has no appointments tomorrow but on Wednesday has speech therapy, physiotherapy and then venesection in the afternoon - busy day! I am going to see if the 2 therapists can change their days and not both come on the same morning each week which seems to be the pattern they are slipping into!

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