Sunday, 16 June 2013

Brief Moments of Interest

In this black hole that we seem to be living in at the moment, we did have a brief respite on Friday.  When I went to get the washing in I came across a man with an Eagle Owl on his arm (a bit bizarre to say the least!!) in our garden! He was actually looking for a neighbour but agreed to come to our front door so that Pete could see and meet his owl.  She is a 2 year old Eurasian Eagle Owl called Sage and we were very privileged to be able to get so close and even stroked her and felt all the soft down underneath her main feathers.  Pete was very emotional and I was really pleased to see him showing an interest in something again, even if only for a short time.
It is now Sunday and Pete has not had any episodes since last Monday, so I think we will stick with three epilepsy tablets a day - I only hope I have not tempted fate by saying that! He seems to be taking paracetemol most days for the pain in his leg, but they are controlling it I think.
He remains in the same state of being totally uninterested in anything, mostly just sitting there, almost as if he were on tranquillisers.  The only difference is that in the last couple of days he has started picking up the tv remote and just flicking backwards and forwards through the channels, never staying on anything for long - this is really annoying and I have to bite my tongue to stop myself saying something.  
These last two months have been a real trial for both of us and I have to say that the Pete I used to know is slowly but surely slipping away from me. His personality has totally changed during this time and I know he is incredibly sad most of the time, if not all the time.  He doesn't eat much and is so thin now. But what to do?  I can't force him to eat and he is adamant he doesn't want antidepressants. I have got the paperwork to book an appointment at Plymouth with the Urologist, but, to be honest, I don't think that is going to solve anything as it seems to be a general downward trend in all aspects of life.  He would never have wanted to live like this and it is going to be incredibly hard to get back to where we were a couple of months ago.

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