Wednesday, 26 June 2013

What to say?

Well the antibiotics do appear to be working thank goodness - but now we have new obstacles.
For whatever reason, over the last few days Pete has taken to his bed.  Only getting up for about an hour a day - so what happens if you are in bed most of the time and can't move around much?  Yes, pressure sores!!  
On Monday evening I noticed he had a huge blister on his right heel.  By Tuesday morning, when I looked at it properly, I could see it was a blood blister, and it was causing Pete an awful lot of pain. (There always seems to be something to cause pain - why? What has he done to deserve it?)  This morning I had to pop it as he got really angry when I said no, but it has made no difference.  Suzanne, the physio, came this afternoon (I was going to cancel but felt I had to speak to her about Pete's leg and arm, which is also bad) and she looked at the blister and is almost certain it is a pressure sore caused by Pete being in bed such a lot and it is exactly where his heel touches the bed and every time he moves himself up the bed he is putting pressure on it and rubbing it on the sheet.  She is going to get a nurse come to look at it and advise us as to what to do with it.  She has also told me to keep checking the base of Pete's spine to make sure no sores develop there with him just sitting in bed such a lot.  
On the up side, Suzanne said his leg is ok at the moment, it hasn't got fixed in any position and he is still able to move it himself and can get his foot flat on the floor, so that is good, but his arm isn't doing too well, his wrist is extremely stiff and, at the moment, we can't really get the splint on in order for it to do any good.  It is Botox again in a couple of weeks, but as the last two lots didn't make much difference, I am not hopeful that will help.  If it fails again I think they will probably give up on it.
I had to call the out-of-hours doctors again on Monday evening - turned out nothing wrong!  I fear we will soon get a reputation as time wasters, but when Pete is obviously in distress and pain I am totally at a loss as to what to do.  He had had the catheter changed earlier in the day and seemed to be in acute discomfort with it, but it was all checked and was fine, he had also got very vague but snapped out of that when knew dr. was coming, but dr. thought that may have been due to the very strong pain killers he had had earlier.  Anyway, come the day it is something really serious, it will be a case of the boy who cried wolf!   The only good thing to come out of that is that the new GP rang on Tuesday to see how he was - that has never happened before, and just proves to me that I was right to change his doctor.  He also made an appointment to see Pete next Tuesday.
So, there we go - new problems all the time! 

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