Tuesday came and Pete was much better, not his usual self by any means but at least he was with us on this planet!! The visit to the GP was a waste of time really - he didn't seem interested and had not read the notes beforehand. He didn't seem to understand about these episodes and it was only when I persisted in asking what I should do that he eventually decided to double the dose. There were two extra tablets that had to be added to the repeat prescription list and he gave us a prescription with these on to take to the chemist. Unfortunately I did not have my specs on so didn't check the items and it wasn't until I took the prescription in that I realised he had made a major mistake, and I mean a major mistake. A couple of weeks ago we had also had a major error on the regular monthly prescription which involved returning tablets and getting an emergency prescription faxed to the chemist, again a mistake by the GP. So, that is it, decision made, Pete has to have a different GP. I have made an appointment with mine to see if Pete can transfer to him, if not then it will be a surgery change - all things we don't really need to have to deal with at the moment.
In order to double the dose of epilepsy tablets, one extra has to be given for 4 days and then 2 extra a day. It is only today that I have managed to get Pete to take an extra tablet - and that was only with a bit of blackmail! If he didn't take it then I wouldn't give him a sleeping tablet tonight!! Anyway he has had no bad effects from it. He hasn't had an episode since Monday so I am thinking I may leave it at 3 tablets a day if we can get to Sunday without having another one.
Each day I wake up wondering what it is going to be like - he spends most days just sitting around, occasionally glancing at the tv, but really totally uninterested in anything. I had mentioned to the GP about antidepressants but he just said to Pete did he want them, Pete said no, so end of subject. No attempt to find out his mood or anything, or whether he would benefit from them. I don't really like the idea of antidepressants but I do think that they would help at the moment - but it is not to be!!
So each day is now blending into another with no improvement at all. I am finding it very hard to deal with the situation, especially when I can't see it improving any time soon. I am very wary of leaving Pete on his own, I went out yesterday for an hour but couldn't get back quick enough.
What will be the end of it? I have absolutely no idea.
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