Wednesday, 18 September 2013

In Limbo

Ok, I get it, we are officially on someone's hit list and they are scoring a bulls-eye every day!! 
Sunday passed with Pete in extreme pain in his groin all day - maximum painkillers but they didn't do the job.  I told him I would be on the phone to Urology on Monday morning and we would go from there. 
Monday morning dawned with Pete absolutely in agony.  I decided something must be drastically wrong and rang the surgery - then you have to wait for a dr to ring back.  Whilst waiting for that phone call, the out-patient appointments department rang - they had a cancellation and could Pete attend on Tuesday morning at 9.20am. - oh yessss!  Meanwhile by about 10.00am Pete had calmed down a bit after I had given him an extra painkiller.  The dr rang and said best thing was to wait for the appointment tomorrow and just keep giving painkillers.  So I just crossed my fingers and hoped Pete would be in a fit state to get to the hospital.  The rest of the day just passed in a sea of pain and tears.
Tuesday morning came and Pete, although still in pain, said he wanted to go to the appointment.  Off we went and I hoped we could get some answers - wrong!!  We went in and the consultant examined him for about 2 minutes, this did not go down well and Pete refused to get off the bed, I really had to force him.  The dr then said 'well, I can't do anything today' - wrong thing to say!  Pete went into a rage which turned the whole appointment belly up.  I got that the dr said he had an infection in his bladder and testicle and the pain was just radiating out from that.  They aren't allowed to prescribe any more so we were given a 'Recommendation for Medication' sheet to take to the surgery and should get tablets in 3 days time.  Martin took this to the surgery and handed it in.  This seems a ridiculous way of going on - but them's the rules!  That is all I managed to take in during the appointment because, as I said, Pete had gone into a rage so I was trying to listen to the dr, calm him down and just thinking 'I've got to get him out of here'.  The dr did his best and was talking about causes, treatments and investigations, but I have NO idea what he said.  I couldn't ask any questions or anything, so I don't know what is happening re the catheter and removing it.  After we had been back home for a while Pete decided to keel over on me again (this has become part of his repertoire now). As I now know he will come out of it I just leave him where he is until he resurfaces.  He also seemed to go into panic attacks yesterday where he started gasping for breath - I deal with that by making him look at me and tell him to calm down and breathe slowly with me.  
Today hasn't actually been too bad!  I have kept him dosed up with maximum painkillers, and more, and he has been much calmer, even doing a bit of work on his owl whilst listening to music.  About 3.30pm he had a bit of a turn, but other than that, fairly good.  So, you ask, what was the bulls-eye today?  Well, the district nurse visited and I told her about urology and that we could get antibiotics on Friday.  She said no, she would ring the surgery and make sure they would be ready for collection tomorrow (she didn't get here until 5pm so was too late for today).  She duly phoned straight away to be told they had no record of the Medication Request!!!! They had lost it! Unbelievable! After a few harsh words and speaking to a dr she told them to write the prescription (luckily I knew what antibiotic was named and how long to take them for - from past experience I read every prescription now!!) and get it faxed for collection tomorrow from the pharmacy.  I wonder who will draw the short straw and have to deal with me!!!  If they are not there I have to ring her.
We are now basically in limbo - I don't know what is happening or what to expect next.  Oh yes, we do have an appointment for an ultra-sound on Friday and I don't know what that will throw up.  Nothing good I know! 
I hope you are all faring better than us! 

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