A quick catch-up, the mattress overlay arrived last week. I was expecting something about, perhaps, 1" thick - but horror of horrors, it is about 5" thick so we now almost have to use a ladder to get into bed (alright, slight exaggeration, but it is HIGH). The only problem is that if Pete leans over to pick something up he nearly falls out so I have to hang on to him!!
I cancelled the Catheter Removal Trial on Tuesday but have got the telephone number to ring to rebook it when Pete is fit enough. He had a Cystoscopy booked for 24th October, but that has been brought forward to 1st October and, today, I had a phone call for an appointment in the Urodynamics Dept on 17th October. These have all been at the request of the consultant urologist we saw when Pete got a rage on - hence these appointments are coming out of the blue as far as I am concerned! But it certainly seems that he is following up on finding a cause.
The District Nurse came yesterday and gave Pete the antibiotic injection and did the catheter change which went smoothly - just flinched a bit when the catheter went in. As Pete ate absolutely nothing over the weekend and Monday she has decided he needs to be weighed, by them, every month, so has booked the first 'weigh in' for 24th October.
The social worker called yesterday and a very pleasant gentleman he is. He is called Greg and has said we can have respite when necessary and is sending all the details. Also he gave me information on the Carers' Group and what they can provide and they rang this morning to get things rolling. I may never need what they offer but it is good to know it is there and I can access it if I want.
Pete is enjoying the liquid painkiller - need I say more!!! I am only giving it twice a day (he can have it 3 times but he doesn't know that!!) and it seems to be solving the problem. He has been much more alert and is much happier with smiles being delivered fairly often.
A friend from work (one of the lovely ladies) called yesterday with an apple pie, custard and cream which her sister had made for us - what can I say, I really do have some true friends. That was so thoughtful of her and, as her sister wants to be a professional chef, it was really delicious and looked good even decorated with leaves on top! Oh yes, and her springer, Lady, was with them!! Pete loved seeing her again.
One last thing - I was able to leave Pete on his own for just over an hour on Tuesday - he said he would be ok, and he was.
Still waiting for the next blow but I am feeling good and hopefully will be able to deal with it - whatever it is. If Pete feels good - then so do I.
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