Thursday, 20 March 2014

In Limbo

No blog for a week as I have still been feeling so low - don't want to do anything or see anybody!  But on Tuesday one of the lovely ladies texted to see if she could come over, my initial reaction was No, but then I made up my mind that if I carried on feeling sorry for myself then things never would get any better so replied for her to come today - and now I am so glad I did.  Ashton came over with Lady (her springer, who spent the entire time dozing off on the sofa!!) and it did me the world of good to chat and gossip (!!) with her, she is a lovely young lady about 35 years younger than me but we really get on, we always worked well together and she, along with the other 2 lovely ladies, support me no end.  
Having decided to see Ashton, then another old workmate rang yesterday and said she would like to pop in this morning for a coffee and a chat - so having decided to pull myself together, we arranged a time for her to come.  I haven't seen her for about 4/5 years so lots to catch up on and gossip (!!!!) about. 
Therefore, today has been a really good one for me and I now feel so much better and have concluded I must not let myself slide right down like that again - it's up to me to sort myself out.  
Meanwhile, Pete seems to be in limbo, if not sliding backwards.  Although he can now get his leg up enough to get his trousers on, he is using the w/chair almost all the time, only using his stick for the few steps from his chair to the table.  He is back to how he was when he first came home from hospital, only on a lot more medication and not anywhere near as positive as he was then.  So that is not good.
I think I did mention previously that we had applied for a reduction in council tax because Pete uses a w/chair in the house - well, we heard yesterday that they have approved it and have also back-dated it to September 2012 when he came home.  Positive outcome.  But, perhaps stupidly, I wonder whether fate decided that if we have the reduction then the wheelchair must be used more often!!! 
I am still scared and worried for the future but I do feel more able to cope at the moment.

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