Saturday, 29 March 2014

Insular World

I now live in a very insular world!  Every week is the same, day in and day out.  Pete seems stuck in limbo still - the only thing different is that next week he goes in to have the suprapubic catheter inserted.  This is a worry, we have to be there at 10am but don't know what time he is scheduled to have the procedure.  However .... hopefully I will get a bit of inside information as to where he is on the list so will have some sort of idea how long he will have to hang around, but if it is too long then it probably won't happen.  We will see.  
Anyway, back to my world - it has shrunk beyond belief really.  Everything centres around Pete and what he wants and needs.  I hardly see anyone now whereas when I worked I met so many people and talked about everything and anything - what was going on in the world, etc etc. I also knew all the ins and outs and ups and downs of people's lives.  I couldn't imagine living without buying a newspaper every day - now I only buy one on Saturdays and that is only for the TV magazine!  Nothing now is of any particular interest to me - it's very hard to explain why, but my priorities are Pete, Pete and Pete. Of course there are certain news stories that are of interest but whereas before I would follow events avidly and read all interviews etc., now I just see the news twice a day and that is it.  Pete and I used to discuss all the world events - sometimes we had quite animated discussions about some politics!  We had to agree to disagree on a few subjects!  But that is all gone - I suppose this is part of why I am not interested any more, because there is no one to talk to anything about. 
So there it is, that is my world now.  Having said that, I am very much looking forward to next Saturday as it is another Lovely Ladies evening - we haven't been out for ages and, boy, do I need it!! 

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