Saturday, 8 March 2014


We are now one week on from when Pete started being quite poorly and, I have to say, at times I did wonder whether he would ever get out of bed again, but, thankfully, although by no means back to normal, Pete does seem to be improving a bit.  
I rang the surgery on Tuesday for advice and they said they would get a doctor to visit on Wednesday as then he had done 3 days on antibiotics and should be getting over it.  Luckily it was his own GP that came on Wednesday (I was a bit concerned that it would be a random one unaware of his full history) and after examining Pete he said he had a chest infection aswell and the two combined had just knocked him for six.  He changed the antibiotics and said I should notice a difference in 24/36 hours but if he was no better, or getting worse, to ring again on Friday.  He did start to make slight improvement in that he started eating again and wasn't quite so unsteady but he still couldn't pull himself up.  Yesterday (Friday) Pete did manage to sit up on the side of the bed to eat and also was able to transfer to the wheelchair/toilet/bed much more easily, however he still had to be pulled up and propped up in the bed.  
Today he still can't get himself up but I think it is something to do with his right leg causing him a lot of pain.  He can't walk with the quad stick but has to use the wheelchair to get to the bathroom which isn't too good.  This afternoon he did come to sit in the sitting room for 3 hours which is the first time he has left his bed (other than bathroom trips) for a week.  I think he is getting better but the big problem is that right leg - the trouble is that the muscles are wasting and contracting through lack of use over the last few months and so he finds it increasingly difficult to move it.
Hopefully Pete will now continue to improve but if he still has problems pulling himself up I will ring the doctor again on Monday.
On the up side, he has now mastered the art of using my name when he wants me and has to shout for me!!!! 

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