Monday, 21 January 2013

Marathon, FES and Snow!!

Today has been quite a decisive day. Firstly, Pete decided he really has had enough of the FES, he is not happy positioning the pads and using it, so today it was handed back to Suzanne and has now left the building!! Suzanne was quite happy as she said it is no good using it if you don't feel any benefit from it, but, if at any time, Pete feels he would like another try then she would be happy to bring it back. Also Pete had stopped taking the muscle relaxant tablet but Suzanne could feel that his muscles weren't so good so asked if he was taking them, he did admit he wasn't so she advised that he should take them and then discuss how he feels with the Botox consultant (he is actually a Consultant Neurologist) at his next appointment in April. As she said, she can't force him to take them but advises he should - no sooner was she out the door than he decided to take one!! He really listens to her and not to me as I had already told him he should take them. After the Botox Pete's arm felt quite different and looser but not much more has happened over the last few days so not too much stretching was done today.
However ..... Pete did go outside with Suzanne and Claire and walked what was, for him, an absolute marathon!! He got in the wheelchair and was pushed down the drive and across the road into the hospital grounds. Then he had to get out and step up the kerb, walk down the pavement, step down the kerb and walk along what is effectively a very potholed and uneven road/track. Claire was holding his right arm (for a bit of balance and to make him feel safe), Suzanne was hovering behind him and I brought up the rear with an empty wheelchair to take him back home in when he had had enough. But, to the amazement of us all, he just kept on going and going and going! They took him along some uneven paths, up a very steep slope, up and down more kerbs, up another fairly steep slope, across the road and back up our drive which, again, is quite a steep slope. He hesitated a couple of times but once he got back into the rhythm he was absolutely fantastic!! None of us could believe the distance he had done and how well he had negotiated all the obstacles he faced. It has been a dry day and quite bright although bitterly cold which were probably ideal conditions for him as he didn't get too hot with the effort he had to make. After all that, I fully expected him to fall asleep this afternoon but, no, we did his normal leg exercises, then he did his walking up and down the hall and then, this evening, he has again been going round the sofa with no stick at all. He is very determined that he will be able to walk distances, it is slow but that doesn't matter. Pete is, indeed, a man on a mission!!!
Finally today, some photos of Martin, the kids and Mimi the dachshund enjoying the snow yesterday. Just looking at children in the snow is a real tonic!!

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