Thursday, 17 January 2013


It has been a very relaxing day today. Pete put the FES on at about 10am but took it off about an hour later having been unable to find the right spots. I can't make out what the problem is as he gets quite angry about it, won't let me put the pads on and so I'm not sure if it is the strength of the signal that is the problem or what. But he puts the brace on and that's ok. I forgot to mention yesterday that Jane (from Connect) uses a toggle on her shoe laces which she just moves up and down to get the right tension and then tucks the length of the laces in the side of the shoe. She is going to get some for Pete as they look better than the elastic laces - it is just going to be a case of finding which one he finds easiest.
I think I have managed to get a sleeping tablet prescription for Pete at long last. Not from his own GP I hasten to add! Having rung the surgery and they checked his notes - absolutely nothing documented about the Community Rehab Nurse - they then asked another Dr. to ring me back. She was very pleasant and has faxed a prescription through to the pharmacy. She has advised to take about 4 a week and just try to break the cycle, and then ring his own Dr. If that doesn't work. Pete's GP is away now until next Tuesday. I really can't get over how he is just totally ignoring us.
I can go to the pharmacy in town tomorrow and pick up the tablets. That is if I can get there!! There is lots of snow forecast to come in tonight, so I am fully expecting to have to walk to town tomorrow. I have got my Wellies ready and also have tuned the radio into Radio Devon so that I can just turn it on in the morning and find out about roads closed and whether buses are running or not. Having got myself totally prepared we probably won't even see one snowflake - sods law!!!
And that is it for today. Hope nobody gets too inconvenienced by any snow, but it does sound like it is going to be bad all over the country.

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