Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Peace Continues

I really don't want to tempt fate, but, following several very angry upsetting days, Pete has again been very calm and serene today. Over the last few days he has just seemed to be very angry nearly all the time. This culminated with a row on Monday night when I told him I was finding it very hard to handle the continual anger he was showing. It seemed every time I spoke to him it set him off into another rage. I totally understand he hasn't as much control over his emotions and that, if life is hard for me, it is so much worse for him. But all I ask is that he just stops a few seconds to consider the situation. This seems to have worked. For the moment at least.
Suzanne and Claire came this afternoon for physio. I told them that we hadn't done much over the last few days as Pete had been out of sorts. I think disappointment over the Botox has played a large part. Although it has been dry and sunny today, the wind has been strong again so Pete decided he didn't want to go outside. Instead he opted to go through the normal routine of exercises. Suzanne had a long chat with him about his communication problems and how he is feeling - as she said, she can have a conversation with him and thinks he is doing well. After doing the bed exercises she asked him to walk up and down the hall without his stick, which he did but not as confident as he has been walking round the sofa. Suzanne was holding his pelvis just for support but I think Pete finds it much easier if no-one is too close, yes hovering is fine, but he prefers to not have someone holding him - I think he finds it easier to balance on his own. He doesn't like me walking behind him, I always have to go first - just one of his foibles!!
Pete had sleeping tablets on Saturday night, Sunday night and last night - they do seem to work on the whole but it is definitely not guaranteed for some reason!
And that is it for today, fingers crossed that the calm continues.

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