I couldn't think of a good title today, so just plumped for the obvious - not much doing! This about sums up today.
Bev, the Speech Therapist, came and was pleased with the progress regarding the alphabet. She tried saying letters randomly and getting him to write them down, almost 100% correct! But if you say the sounds the letters make Pete can't make the connection, so we have to continue writing letters but as well as saying the letter, also make the sound, hoping he will make the connection eventually. She also tried him on sounds and trying to get words to pop out, but no success. He has become fixated on the 'mu' and 'Lu' sounds and we can't seem to get past them. To be honest, my feeling is that his speech will never return although I would never say that to him. We have to be upbeat and encouraging all the time. This is a very depressing thought for me, that he will never spontaneously talk to me again, but I am now pinning my hopes on him eventually being able to write words and perhaps communicate in that way, but it won't be the same. Perhaps I am being too pessimistic but that is my feeling.
Pete also got a letter today for a new group starting up in Braunton for people with aphasia, which is being run by Connect. Bev really wants Pete to go and she says she is happy to take us to the first meeting, but after that we have to make our own way there which is fair enough, but this could be a problem - we will have to find someone to take us. That is at the end of January.
Also today we got a phone call from the community rehab nurse who made an appointment to come and see Pete in a couple of weeks to just do a health check (mainly questions) but she will also do his blood pressure which is a relief as I have been worried about whether that is alright. I thought his GP would have asked him to make an appointment for a check - but not a squeak from him, which, as I have said before, doesn't impress me.
Pete peeled the potatoes again tonight - I had to go away and leave him to it. He did them fairly quickly so assume he didnt have too many problems. They were fine when I came to cook them. I think he is trying to do more things so that I will feel happy about going back to work, which is looming on the horizon now.
Not much success with exercises today, Pete wasn't really inspired to do them, so it was as few as possible of the basics. He has been pretty down for the last couple of days and the nights are getting bad again. He has been doing his walking up and down though and now seems to be getting on with the FES gadget really well.
Martin took me to Tesco tonight, Pete was going to come but then decided not to which wasn't a good sign really. He had got changed and everything but then opted out.
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