The FES is back! Over the weekend, in a very roundabout way, Pete indicated he wanted to give the FES another try. I don't know what brought that on but I asked Suzanne on Monday and she brought it with her today. She has marked on Pete's leg exactly where the electrodes have to go, she drew around them so there can be no mistake and I will check and renew the lines every morning and night. This should eliminate all the time spent trying to get them in the right place which was the main problem before. After getting it all set up to lift his foot just the right amount it was off with the walking again. She is getting Pete to try walking without any stick at all, and so far, so good. This does tire him out quicker, but as he is doing it up and down the hallway he can easily reach the wall for support when necessary. That is all that was done today as Suzanne was on her own, her colleague being on a training day.
This afternoon we had a visit from one of the girls I work with (and one of the lovely ladies from our Saturday evening outings) and she came with her beautiful Springer Spaniel, Lady. Pete was brought up with dogs and we used to have a Springer ourselves a few years ago, so he was especially pleased as Springers are his favourites. She is such a well behaved dog as well and always looks nice and tidy - which ours never did!! It always does Pete good when someone visits. He is still a bit unpredictable at the moment but this calmed him down.
And that is about all for today I think, we are still very up and down at the moment with some days really hard, but today hasn't been too bad.
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