It is so cold here that we haven't been out for a walk around for several days, but Pete is continuing with his walking exercise inside. Not the same, but better than nothing. He has built it up now and today walked up and down the hall and round the sitting room 12 times. Not a lot to you and me, but a marathon to him. Whilst he is doing this exercise I try to do a bit of housework.
The only reason he stops is that his leg gets tired, rather than him getting tired. The FES is still sitting on a table, unused and forlorn!! He is using the ankle brace or nothing at all - trying to do it without an aid is his preference but he has to make a conscious effort to lift his knee and foot. His right heel is now making more contact with the floor of its own volition which is good as it has tended to lift when either standing or sitting in a relaxed stance. Tonight he noticed that his knees were level when sitting!
The jigsaw therapy is going well and he can do 60 pieces now on his own. I bought some more yesterday (in charity shops - a good source) but puzzles with 60 to 100 pieces are very rare. Very difficult to find. Then they seem to jump to 250 pieces which are way beyond him at the moment. Things that he can do and see the result are excellent therapy. We may try some family games next as I think he would enjoy them now.
Jane, from Connect, came yesterday just to have a cup of coffee and a chat with Pete. She is such an amazing person, willing to give up her time like that. The best thing is that she has been there herself and knows exactly how Pete is feeling about stuff. She repeated her rule that you never look back - keep looking forward and you will achieve things. I asked her again about her speech and she didn't have any at all for 12 to 18 months, then it returned slowly but surely. So, as she said, we are only a short way along the track, still plenty of time. As I expected, she didn't want me there!! That way Pete had to communicate without looking to me to help. She was here for about 45 minutes and I know Pete benefitted from it. She said she will call in again in 2 weeks time but when I went to write it in the diary I see Pete has a hospital appointment on that day, but I am sure we can change the time of her visit.
Speech therapy today, Bev has a student with her at the moment and this is good as she has to do different exercises with him, comprehension etc. which stretches Pete and makes him think. Also she has to stretch herself dealing with such severe Aphasia - she was thrown in at the deep end a bit!!
Physiotherapy tomorrow, we have been doing all the required exercises so should be ok. Such a difference from days ago when Pete was refusing to do any, now he is indicating that he wants to do them all every day. The ones which really stretch the muscles in his right leg are still hard for him and he says he can really feel the stretch, but this is what is wanted.
Pete has been in a fairly good mood the last few days so I hope it lasts - he is being more like his usual 'laid back' self!
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