Monday, 11 February 2013

Extended Exercise Regime

We have now been given four more exercises to add to the regular ones. The new ones are all to aid Pete's balance. The first is to stand in front of a work top and transfer weight from just his left side to the right leg as well, and this should keep his right heel on the floor, and then to stand on tip toe. The second is to put his left foot directly in front of his right foot, again keeping the right heel on the floor (which he finds difficult) and then balance like that for 20 seconds without holding onto anything. Then to repeat the exercise with the the right foot in front. As his right leg is so much weaker he tends to let that knee bend and then the heel rises, he has to concentrate on keeping the right leg straight and the heel down. The third exercise is to pull himself up from the perch stool without holding onto the arms, thereby using his leg muscles and getting the balance of weight right, and then sitting down again, but controlling the sitting action rather than just flopping down onto the seat. Then finally he has to walk around the stool and sit down again, this is keeping his balance in a confined space. Then walk around the stool again in the opposite direction. So, there we go - more work for Pete!
Things have been quite miserable here for the last few days. I am just about at rock bottom and Pete seems to have lost his determination at the moment. We both need to snap out of it but it is hard when there are no noticeable improvements. We just seem to drift from day to day with most days seeming very long. The nights are no better as we don't sleep well. Pete had a tablet last night but it wasn't too effective, he was awake a lot and when he was asleep was very restless. If he doesn't sleep then I don't, the best I can explain it is it is like having a child - I always have an ear open for whether he is awake or not.
We have done sounds and letters again today. I think Pete has now got the phonic sound for w, and he did well on the first letters of words - but there is no sign of him being able to initiate the use of any form of communication, it is still all down to me asking him questions or asking for the first letter of a clue word. He has decided he definitely will not be going to the Aphasia Group meeting tomorrow, which is disappointing, but so be it.
After quite a bit of thought, I have decided that I probably won't post on the blog every day from now on, there doesn't seem to be a lot to say now that we are on a plateau. I can't really put down my thoughts and feelings any more as Pete always wants to hear what I have written and would get very upset if he knew how I really feel at times. I can leave out the odd bits when reading it to him but more than a couple of sentences and he knows. It is also quite relentless in that he always wants to know where I am and what I am doing, so can't sneak away to write anything privately.
So that is probably it for 2 or 3 days when I will be back!

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