Friday, 15 February 2013

Lazy Days

We have had two beautiful days weather wise. The sun has been shining inviting us outside. Yesterday Pete had quite a long walkabout negotiating two lots of steps along the way. Today we have been out again but not for quite so long as it was a bit cooler. Pete cannot walk around unaccompanied outside yet as all the surfaces are pretty uneven - no smooth concrete pavements around us I'm afraid!
Yesterday we did all the exercises, including walking up and down the hall with no stick. This is coming along really well, but not something for Pete to do without someone hovering behind him. He still has slight wobbles, he always manages to save himself but does need someone there just in case. The new balance exercises are still pretty hard for him but he makes a really good effort.
No further progress on writing and sounds but no going backwards either.
Yesterday Pete also made a cottage pie for tea, more or less by himself. All I did was peel and chop the onions and mash the potatoes. He cooked the meat with no problems. What we need now is a gadget that will hold the pan still whilst he mashes the contents and also something to put pans into which will then tip over slowly to get everything out with a spoon. Anyone know of such a thing?
Today we had a visit from Pete's brother which was really nice and Pete enjoyed it. Writing that has reminded me that Bev rang yesterday and said Jane (organiser of the aphasia group meetings) quite understood why Pete did not want to go at the moment and would he like her to just pop in some times for a social visit, just to chat? I said yes I'm sure he would like that as it is a bit of support for him, which he does need at times.
Two phone calls today, one to make an appointment for me to discuss going back to work and another to Pete's doctor. The first went fine with an appointment made for Monday, I am hoping to go back sometime mid-March, but the second call threw up the usual problems. I wanted to talk to his doctor to ask if he could have more sleeping tablets - doctor not in until Tuesday but I could book a phone call!!! As I didn't consider it an emergency and therefore didn't need to speak to a doctor today, I have booked a call from him for next Tuesday afternoon. Will he ring? I am not holding my breath going by past experience!
And that is everything up to date again now.

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