Friday, 1 March 2013

1st March - St. David's Day

Another month gone, I can hardly believe it is March already! Today is St. David's Day, an important date to everyone who is Welsh, and as Pete was born and brought up in Cardiff, he definitely qualifies! There is just one clump of daffodils out in the garden - but they are a lovely sign of Spring (photo today, which I took whilst the sun was shining before it disappeared for the day at about 11am).
Pete is still having a lot of pain in his right leg. Claire, the Physio, checked it over yesterday and as far as she can tell it is muscular as his calf muscles are really feeling quite solid. She told me where to feel them and how to compare them to the ones in his left leg and it feels like he has a solid iron rod in the leg! She showed me how to massage the muscles to try to relax them and also said to try applying heat, and although this helps for a while they soon tighten up again so I'm not sure what the answer is. Despite this we have tried to do some exercises and Pete has done some walking around, but it isn't going too well.
On the positive side, we do seem to be finding it a little easier to communicate for some reason. I seem to be able to guess what he wants to talk about a bit quicker - bit of mind reading perhaps!! Also Pete has started to hold up his fingers to indicate a number - a positive move on the gesturing side of things.
Another fantastic thing is that Claire told us that the Vista Class has been nominated for some award for the work they do - they have to go to London to do a big presentation on what they do on the course, so fingers crossed they win it! It shows that they must be doing something more than other areas so I think we are lucky that Pete is able to attend the class.
I have had to make arrangements to go back to work as my 6 months' leave is almost up, it has to be done I'm afraid as the coffers need refilling!!! My employers have agreed to me dropping one day a week and I go back in the middle of this month. I will be very nervous about leaving Pete for the first few days, but when I suggested I could come home during my break, he very emphatically shook his head! So that is that - he will be on his own to do what he likes! As long as he doesn't fall over he will be fine.
I have also bitten the bullet and had my first driving lesson! It went a lot better than I expected so perhaps that will all work out ok. The next one is next week.
I am looking forward to the next few days as tomorrow I am out again for a meal and drink with the lovely ladies, and then on Monday Adrian is hoping to come down for an overnight visit. Also, at school, Ella's class have got some eggs and are going to watch and care for them until they hatch, she is very excited about this and has explained it all to us in great detail. Today they very carefully placed them in the incubator, and the next thing is that they have to very gently turn them regularly.
Exciting times indeed!!

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