Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Busy, busy days!

Yesterday Pete went to Vista at the gym as usual, even though his leg is still a bit painful. I am going to have to leave a note for Suzanne on Thursday. Then in the afternoon we went back to the hospital for his venesection. We only had to wait a few minutes before he went in (has someone heard me complaining???) and although the nurse didn't seem to know he had had a stroke she was really lovely and after I said he had aphasia she asked him for his date of birth but then looked to me to answer, this was brilliant as she spoke to him as normal but didn't look at him waiting for him to answer. At last, someone who knows what aphasia is and knows how to treat the person with it. She chatted away to Pete all the time with conversation that only required him to smile, laugh or say yes. Fantastic, she was a star.
Today it was back to work for me!! I was very worried about leaving Pete and left with my heart in my mouth! He was going to get up at the same time as me, but decided to stay in bed instead! He says he got up just after I left at about 7.30am. I came back on my break to find a cup of coffee ready and waiting. He was fine and had the phone in his pocket. The only problem had been a cup of tea - the thermos had leaked as he carried it through, so I'm not sure what to do about that as he says he doesn't want a kettle in the sitting room. I spent a lot of time checking the signal on my phone (yes, I did get permission to have it in my pocket) and it seems to be strong everywhere I go, so hopefully, if Pete does ever need to call me then I will get it straight away. I finished work at 1.30pm and again came home to find a cup of tea waiting. He had got himself some lunch (soup) and then washed up afterwards. Then I was out again at 2.00pm for a driving lesson and then this evening we have been to Lidl for a big shop. I am absolutely shattered!!! I am thankful the first day of leaving Pete is over and that there were no major problems, he had even straightened up the bed so that at least it looked presentable! When I came home at 1.30 he was standing at the door and the half-step was out - he had been out again!!!
Tomorrow it is speech therapy with Bev and Claire which will break the morning up for him. I don't know yet if I will come home again on my break, I will see what he wants me to do in the morning.

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