Thursday, 21 March 2013

More Health Checks

Yesterday Pete had speech therapy with Bev and Claire. I'm not totally sure what they did apart from practicing the first letters of words again. But, presumably it went alright.
Pete's leg was still causing problems and so we decided I would come home again on my break from work just to check he was ok. We have got into a bit of a routine first thing in the mornings, with him not getting up before I leave. Today I didn't come home mid morning as he had Physio at 11am so his morning would be broken up anyway. Suzanne and Claire did some different exercises to try and sort his leg and they took some photos on the iPad so I could see what they had done - I hadn't thought to do that but it was a good idea as I know the new exercises now. His leg seemed to be fine after they went but is painful again tonight.
This afternoon there have been two health checks - one with the community rehab nurse and one up at the drs surgery. The community nurse asked him lots of questions about how he is doing and how he is feeling and also took his blood pressure. His blood pressure was slightly higher than it should be but nothing to get too concerned about. He has also been losing a bit of weight but just have to keep feeding him pies and cakes!!! Anyway, she was very pleased with his progress and has discharged him from their care, with the proviso that we can always ring if we have any concerns. She was particularly pleased with his general demeanour which is always good. Sometimes the personalities of stroke survivors change quite a lot but Pete remains the same person he has always been. The only difference is his emotions which are much harder for him to control - he can get extremely angry quickly and is still very affected by any sad or happy events or stories. But this we can live with.
The health check at the surgery involved blood pressure check again, and this time it was fine. She said we probably hadn't really needed the appointment as the community nurse had done one - yet when you say he has other appointments on the phone they always say they are totally different! She was pleased with his progress as well and won't need to see him for a while now. His blood pressure is kept under check as he has it done at Vista every week at the moment. So all is well at the moment. We seem to have spent nearly all this week attending appointments here and there!
You may remember I used to talk about 'the book' we were reading concerning Edwyn Collins and how he recovered following his stroke. It was written by his wife Grace Maxwell. Well, small world, Edwyn Collins is doing an in-store gig at the record store where Adrian works in Bristol (Rise) on Monday 25th March. Adrian has done a poster for the gig, had it approved by Edwyn Collins and Grace Maxwell, and is going to do prints to sell in the store with all profits going to Stroke Recovery and Aphasia charities - we think probably Bideford Stroke RehabilitationUnit. Adrian is hoping to have a chat with Edwyn Collins and Grace Maxwell, so we are looking forward to his report on the event. More exciting times.
Quiet day tomorrow with no work and no appointments - hurray!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shirley, thought I'd comment on here rather than facebook for a change! So glad to read you're getting into a routine with work and pete is doing well. Exciting stuff about Adrian's poster, I've seen them and they look great! Will be interested to hear what he and edwyn will talk about!

    I don't say this often enough but your blog is fantastic and you should be really proud of all the work you put into it. I love reading it and I'm sure many other people do. Don't be disheartened by the lack of comments it doesn't mean people aren't looking at it, I think this platform is quite difficult to comment on if you don't use it yourself, I don't get that many comments on my blog, mum tried to leave a comment the other day but couldn't get it to work!

    Sending you both lots of love x x x x x x
