Saturday, 9 March 2013

Clue Letters

Pete's ability to give me the first letters of clue words continues apace! This is absolutely marvellous and doesn't seem to be diminishing which is what has happened in the past with what I think are major breakthroughs on the communication front. Yesterday I got a F for what to have for tea - guessed fish straight away. It's much better than running through options one by one. Anyway, after having written F and established fish, Pete then went on to write the whole word! He had to think about each letter before writing it, but he got it right. Today he wanted to go out for a walk (I got this by guessing what his arm waving was about) and I asked for the first letter and he wrote M, not as bad as it seems as basically he just got the W upside down. If we continue like this with him getting the letter, and occasionally the whole word, I feel we may be onto a winner. Fingers crossed it doesn't all fall apart!
The weather has been really warm the last couple of days with some sun, so have been out just for walks around the garden. Got to take advantage when we can as it's forecast to turn cold again with the possibility of snow! Pete has been having a bit of a problem going down the half-step with his right foot swinging right around instead of going down straight, but this is improving again.
Yesterday we did all the exercises to try to get the right leg taking some weight and working again, and it went well. But today the pain seemed to be back with a vengeance for a while, but after some paracetemols it did ease. He has been sitting with his leg up on a chair a few times and we have done some more exercises but not as much as yesterday. Still, a little is better than nothing.
Cleaning was on the agenda again today and Pete did all the dusting in the sitting room, which is by far the worst room to do with all the bits and pieces to be moved. I did all the hoovering but I'm thinking Pete may be able to do some of that. He finds it hard to get it to start by pushing the button/pedal with his foot, but I think if he pushes it with his hand it may work, although we have yet to try it. He has no problem now in doing the dishes, both washing and drying and then putting them away.
Tomorrow it is roast beef for dinner with Yorkshire puddings, so only hope I get it right and don't cause him too much grief!!!

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