Saturday, 23 March 2013

New Equipment!

Today and yesterday Pete's leg has been aching but not too badly, thank goodness. He has been sitting with his foot up on the chair a lot which he says helps. No exercises today apart from sit to stands which we do quite a lot, Pete uses the perch stool in the kitchen so does some nearly every time we go in there. He has also had a hot water bottle on his foot during the evenings just to ease it and warm it up. It still gets icy cold at times.
So, new equipment!! Two items. The first is that we have purchased a Thermos Pump Pot so that Pete can have cups of tea whilst I am at work! We couldn't find anything that did not leak when he was carrying it, but, thanks to my sister (who is a mine of information!) this is a 2 litre thermos that I can fill in the mornings before I go and put on the table in the sitting room. All Pete then has to do is press on the top of it and, hey presto, it comes out a spout on the side straight into a cup! (Photo below - if I remember!) This is excellent as 6 hours is a long time to go without a cup of tea - he could make it and drink it in the kitchen but that isn't very comfortable for him.
The second is an Exercise Bike! We haven't actually got it yet but it is almost definitely sorted. Ages ago Suzanne said it would be good to get one, but there weren't any around. But today a friend has messaged she knows who has one for sale and negotiations are almost complete!! When I said to Pete we could probably get one now there was vigorous head shaking - No! But after some thought he changed his mind! He uses one in the gym so obviously is a good piece of equipment to have. Fingers crossed it works out - if Pete doesn't use it no doubt I can!!
I have also been to the pharmacist and got advice on stronger painkillers, so hopefully these will help Pete when pain strikes.
Tomorrow we are off to Martin and Mel's for lunch - a roast. Mel does a fantastic tasty roast so we are both looking forward to that. Also lovely to have the kids around. By the way, the eggs that Ella's class were looking after have hatched - just in time for Easter holidays! I don't know who is looking after them in the holidays, probably the teacher has to go in every day! No doubt we will hear all about it tomorrow from Ella.

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