Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Good Times

Pete went to Vista Class again yesterday, I don't know what he did there though!!! I'm pretty sure he was on the exercise bike again but that is all. They take his blood pressure every week so that is quite reassuring to know that it is ok. Pete has had a letter from the surgery to go for a blood pressure check (so I was wrong, the doctor is keeping a check) but I have rung them and explained he is having it done weekly at the moment and they asked that I write in and let them know the reading from yesterday, which I have done, and that saves a trip to the surgery.
Adrian arrived yesterday for an overnight visit and we both obviously enjoyed seeing him and catching up. He has gone home today to do loads of work that he has lined up! He sorted a few technical problems that we had with the iPad - this is always one of his tasks!! Anyway he is home safely now and we look forward to the next visit! He took a couple of photos of Pete and myself (see below) and I took one of him with Pete (also below).
Today has been a beautiful day, sunny and the temperature up to 14 degrees. Pete went out this morning for a walk around, up the steps with no problems, and then he ventured onto the grass for the first time, it has been too wet and slippery until now. There were no problems and he may as well have been walking on the pavement so confident was he.
Speech therapy with Bev this morning and they did trying to make sounds/words, etc, which we just have to keep bashing away with. Then I think they were having a conversation about food, Bev asked Pete what fruits, vegetables or snacks he liked. He had to answer by drawing them and then I was called in to see if I could identify what he had drawn (Bev already had). I did recognise most of them so they had had a reasonable conversation. Before she arrived Pete had indicated he wanted to say something about her, so I asked for the first letter of a clue word and he wrote T, so guessed straight away I was to offer her a cup of tea, then he wrote a C, so again guessed I had to offer tea or coffee - correct! (We don't normally offer but for some reason Pete wanted to offer one today, and she said she would normally say no, but had been at a meeting for most of the morning so was going to say yes, how odd is that!). Earlier Pete had done some vague arm waving towards the porch/front door, so asked for a letter and got an F. Thinking what was out there and eliminating 'front door', I guessed freezer - yes! I had to get some chicken out for tea! I really feel we are beginning to get somewhere on this side of things. It certainly helps to have a clue rather than just try to guess a subject!
So, good times over the last few days.

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