Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Jack of all Trades! That's me!

First of all, the main thing, our heating was fixed yesterday! Thank goodness! The Heating Engineer came, did a bit of twiddling and, hey presto, the boiler was resuscitated!! He has shown me how to get it going in an emergency - enough to keep us warm until he can get here and find the problem. It involves removing the cover, removing a cap and then twiddle and push! I am beginning to feel like a Jack of all Trades (but master of none of course), you need a bit of physio, a bit of speech therapy, a bit of engineering - then I'm your man!! (Or lady!!). Call me!!
We have heard from Adrian about the Edwyn Collins gig at Rise, Bristol on Monday night. He said it was absolutely Rad (means good I think!). He was lucky enough to have a few words with Edwyn and his partner Grace Maxwell and was mightily impressed with them - said they are such a nice couple. Edwyn is doing fantastically well and still shows improvements even now 8 years on. He has got Pete and I a signed print, we can't wait to get it. If you can get onto Facebook, Rise, Bristol have posted a short video, on their Facebook page, of part of the gig, we have watched it - more tears from Pete!!! And they raised £100 for stroke and aphasia charities which was fantastic.
Speech therapy yesterday and today and also physio with Claire today. Claire came this afternoon so I was here to see her. She loosened up the calf muscles and has emphasised his pain is definitely only muscular (nothing more sinister) and we must persevere with stretching exercises and do walking to work them - I must admit we haven't done too much lately but we have to change that. I have managed to get a photo of Pete on the exercise bike, it's not that good but you can get the idea.
Pete has also had another visit from the amazing Jane from Connect. She calls in for a social visit with him which is really good for him. I did ring her Monday night and said we had no heating so not to come, but she said she would come and wear a thick jumper! I think they played dominoes during the chatting.
The thermos pump-pot is working well, I fill it before work, take it into the sitting room and then Pete is able to have a cup of tea in comfort. Definitely the answer - thanks again to my sister.
Finally, a bit of sympathy for me please!! I have got the worst cold - I've not had one as bad as this for several years. It's typical that I get back to work and then start picking bugs up! I hope it starts easing up tomorrow, I'm fed up with sneezing and sniffing now!

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