Today has been a write off really as far as Pete has been concerned. His right leg has caused so much pain today and nothing has relieved it. He woke up (after having a very wakeful night) with it already aching. Despite taking paracetemols during the night it hadn't eased and any he has taken during the day haven't touched it. We have tried massage and exercises and heat - but nothing has loosened the muscles. It didn't really help that Pete wanted to get up at 8 am and then spent the rest of the morning doing nothing but think about the agony. This made me get a bit cross as I thought if he did something (eg jigsaw, music, tv, modelling) it would take his mind off it, but no, he just wanted to sit there moaning. (I probably won't be reading that last sentence out to him!!!). After lunch we had a few cross words and he stomped off to the bedroom, so I left him to it and when I checked about half an hour later he was asleep. He slept for about an hour and when he came back he seemed in a better mood but his leg was still bad. This evening the tv has kept his mind off it a bit but he has indicated he will be taking a sleeping tablet tonight. He has got into the routine of having a tablet on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays (the four a week he is allowed) so tonight will be an extra, but, to be honest, I am in no mood to stop him and face a long sleepless night.
Yesterday Pete went to the drs surgery for his blood test at 9.45am and I was expecting the usual long wait - but no, we had just sat down when he was called in. The nurse was not aware of his aphasia and gave me a look when I answered her questions as to date of birth and address, so had to say AGAIN he has no speech! Anyway, we were home again by 10am which makes a change.
It was a lovely sunny warm day yesterday, a real spring day, but today back to cloud and heavy rain at times. Ella and Robbie had to dress up for Comic Relief Day at school - Robbie went as The Cat in the Hat and Ella as Hello Kitty. Photo below! At least that made Pete smile when I showed him the photos.
It is days like today that make me really feel down and on my own. I can't discuss the situation properly with Pete and I hate myself for getting annoyed with him. There is no-one to talk about it with who could suggest what to do. Sometimes the load seems almost too much to bear, but no doubt I will get over it and move on.
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