Our central heating has died on us! On its back, legs in the air - dead as a dodo!! Brilliant, just when the weather has turned bitterly cold again. It packed up on Saturday, luckily we were offered the use of a couple of heaters which is fine for the sitting room, but it is jolly cold in the hall, kitchen and bathroom. The engineer is coming tomorrow afternoon so hopefully he will fix it and we will be snug again!
Yesterday we were out all afternoon at Martin and Mel's where we had a lovely roast lunch. The eggs at Ella's school are hatching well (photo below), but we were all rather disconcerted when she announced 'if they are boys we will have to kill them!' I think she may have slightly got the wrong end of the stick there - I hope so! But apparently it is because they make a lot of noise in the mornings! Then she said perhaps a farmer somewhere will have them. Apparently they are going to keep them in a special house and run in the school.
Also yesterday we took possession of an exercise bike for Pete. He has been on it this afternoon just to try it out, but it is a bit of a feat to get off it for some reason! Anyway, I was amazed at how well he uses it, so definitely worth getting. I hope to take a photo at some point of Pete actually using it.
Vista Class this morning which, I assume, went ok. There is no class next week as it is Easter. Already!!
And that is it for today. Pete's leg hasn't been too bad but has given a bit of grief, but the stronger painkillers seem to work.
Keep warm everyone - at least we haven't had snow!
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