Friday, 30 November 2012

Quiet Day

Nothing much has happened today. We have had a very quiet day, didn't get up until late as Pete didn't sleep at all well last night. Why is it that you can't sleep in the night, then when morning is near you fall into a deep sleep?!?! Good job I don't have to go to work at the moment.
I have bought some Christmas cards and done some online shopping - so made a start at last!
We did some leg exercises and stretching and a bit of letter recognition. Pete is still trying to wiggle his toes with a bit more success today!! So he is a bit happier. We have had one anger episode but nowhere near as bad as they used to be and he soon got over it.
It has been nice to have a chilled out day without worrying about what we should be doing.
And that is it for today!! Sorry it is a bit boring - but sometimes we find boring is good!!

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Toe Wiggling!

Pete's leg is still causing discomfort today. He has only worn his ankle brace for about half an hour and has had his slippers on, rather than shoes, all day. I mentioned it to Suzie and she said the discomfort may be caused by the brace or be because his hamstring muscles in the thigh and behind the knee have become tight this week. She did a lot of work to try to relax them which is fine, but then I think they tighten again. She said he will probably ache tomorrow after the stretching they had today! He can get around the house alright without the brace but must wear it outside where the ground can be uneven. He has also become very concerned about this toe wiggling!! He used to be able to do it with not much problems, but last night couldn't make them move, and tonight he keeps trying - some times it works, other times not. The trouble is that he keeps on at it and if it doesn't work he gets a bit frustrated, and it seems the harder he tries the worse it is.
I think the family is jinxed at the moment because today Mel has had an accident and badly torn the ligaments in her ankle! Her Dad has also been in hospital but, thankfully, on the road to recovery and back at home now. All we need is for Martin to have something happen and we are up the creek without a paddle!!!
Pete's brother Gary popped in for a visit today which was nice to have chat with someone. Pete enjoyed seeing him.
Pete has been a bit happier today and this morning we did some more letter recognition exercises which was good as we haven't done that for a few days. Also he has been trying to make some more sounds. We need to practice this a lot more than we do at the moment. Nowadays speech therapy is more to do with establishing communication than making the sound of letters and words which is what it used to be a few years ago. So mouth exercises and letter sounds have been a bit neglected.
There always seems so much to try to do, with the result that not a lot gets done as it is all a bit overwhelming and sometimes I don't know which is the most important. We tend to concentrate on one thing instead of doing a little bit of everything every day. As I have said before, I really want to get him writing or drawing and I tend to concentrate on the letters and copying words. But now I need to change all that!!!

Wednesday, 28 November 2012


We seem to have reached a plateau where no progress is being made. In fact, it seems to be tilting slightly backwards - in some things Pete is slightly less able than he has been. He is having a bit of a problem with his right leg at the moment. Last night he woke and indicated it was uncomfortable, I think it was aching rather than sore, and this evening his foot is really icy icy cold. I have been rubbing it for about 1/2 hour and it has warmed slightly, though not much. He has also taken his ankle brace off and put his slippers on which is unusual. He has also been trying to wiggle his toes without much success - he can usually do this. I have noticed he isn't lifting his foot as much as usual when walking. I need to keep an eye on how this progresses. The right arm seems to have been a bit painful today too.
The aphasia, again, is causing problems. I think this is the reason he has been so down this last couple of days. He keeps getting up, moving to another chair or sofa, then just sitting there staring at the floor for a while before moving on again. I asked him today why he was doing this but, of course, couldn't really get an answer. He just seemed really upset about the whole scenario. I suggested I contact the doctor and see about some anti-depressants and suggested this may make him feel better and try to do more to get a breakthrough - but this met with an emphatic shake of the head. So, we finally agreed to do more work tomorrow with letter recognition. He feels he isn't doing very well at all, whereas he is as he can pick out some letters.
When we went out for a walk this afternoon he wobbled a couple of times on the steps and very nearly went over, none of this makes him feel any better. Or me, come to that. I feel I should push him on to do things but I haven't got the heart when he doesn't want to do it. I am trying to get him to give a clue when he wants to say something - no luck so far, and this is so frustrating when I can't find the subject, despite many many suggestions. So, all in all, I don't feel of much use at the moment. It is at these times that I feel quite isolated and on my own.
But, I have to keep telling myself, tomorrow is another day and may be quite different.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Christmas is Coming!

Well, Christmas Day is exactly 4 weeks today! I know this because it is Adrian's birthday and that means 4 weeks to go. Today he has hit the grand old age of 30! I hope he has had a good day, at least he and Amie both had the day off. Photos today are of Adrian (not acting his age!) and one of him and his lovely partner Amie. They were taken in July on one of the few dry sunny days we had when they were down in this part of the woods.
Pete hasn't seemed particularly upbeat today, not wanted to do anything, although he did put some CD's on at one point when I was cleaning. The physio session was cancelled and re-scheduled for Thursday. It has seemed quite a long day today. The weather has been wet, again, and when it wasn't raining it was thick cloud - that makes you feel depressed in itself.
We have been out to Lidl tonight to do some shopping but even that didn't particularly cheer him up. One thing I find really annoying is that he won't turn the wheel on his wheelchair, still insists on using his left leg, so if he wants to stop he just puts his foot on the floor and one of these days I am going to hurt it because I am still trying to push it along. Also, if he were to turn the wheel then I wouldn't find it so hard to push it as he would be helping. I really don't know why he won't do it.
Also had a few communication problems but at least he didn't get angry. I have said before about him getting very emotional, well tonight he was crying watching the news about flooding in Wales, especially when they said an elderly lady had been found dead in her house. These sad stories really affect him. He would have been concerned before, but since the stroke, they really upset him.
I must start some Christmas shopping soon, just can't seem to get interested in it yet. Mind you, that isn't unusual! Today is the day I always think I must get on with it.

Monday, 26 November 2012

New Equipment!

On Friday I went out and bought, at the request of the physiotherapists, a gym ball!!! This isn't for me!! When I was asked if we had one I was a bit scared as to what they were going to get Pete to do with it! I couldn't really picture him being able to roll around the floor on it yet! However, it was put to a very good use. Pete's right hand was placed on it and then his left hand on top of the right, and then he had to gently roll it around. This stretched his right arm as well as giving him a different sensation through his right arm and hand. He also had to have a hand either side of it and lift it up and then down and drop it. Then, after a lot of work with the ball, Suzanne was behind him on the bed with both arms around his trunk and he had to sink back against her whilst trying to keep his feet on the floor (I am pretty sure he REALLY enjoyed this exercise!!!!!). The muscles on top of his right thigh were really tight and Susie had to work on that to get them relaxed in order to keep the foot on the floor. Then, finally, before moving on to the kitchen for stepping exercises, the ball was gently rolled towards him for him to kick back. This gets the right leg kicking out forwards instead of to the side. All good stuff. Again he was worked really hard and as it was all new exercises I think he really felt the effects of it afterwards as he took a couple of paracetamols. This is actually good as it means all the muscles have worked harder than they are used to. You know the feeling yourself when using muscles you haven't used for ages. Using the ball also made it all a bit more fun than just straight exercises.
I forgot to tell you yesterday that Pete had a fall! Not a bad one - he doesn't seem to go down with a thump just gently topples!! It was when we were going out. As he gets in and out the door himself I wasn't really watching him, I was busy getting the wheelchair collapsed and into the car. I'm not sure exactly what happened, possibly he didn't quite get his foot down flat from the step, anyway over he went! As Martin was there it was relatively easy to get him up, no big drama. In fact, when Martin asked Ella did she see Grandad fall, she said no and was possibly quite disappointed she missed it!! He had no after effects and the afternoon was fine, but this morning he had got a bit of red knee, but no broken skin or anything.
More physio tomorrow, but not with the ball, mostly core leg exercises with Suzie. But we will work with it over the next few days.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Trip Out

I think I am starting to be more accepting of our situation and realise I have to take it day by day and not just see a long dark road ahead - which is how I felt yesterday. I am pretty sure it was reaction to Friday - which seemed fine at the time, but yesterday it just hit me that there is no five minute fix. I knew that really, but being told there isn't much going to improve with Pete's arm and that his communication will continue for 2 or 3 years, it seemed that we had 2 or 3 years of being the same as we are now - and, of course, that is not the case. It is going to happen but it will be over time and quite slow. But today I feel I probably will be able to deal with it, providing I don't try to see the future! No looking ahead too far, just accept every tiny step as he takes it. It does seem that we are pushing rocks with feathers at times, but other times I feel very positive and feel we are on a roll - so, just roll with it, deal with each day as it comes and goes, accept there will be bad times but there will also be good times. Pete hasn't been too smiley of late and I really miss that, but they will return.
Today we have been watching the news a lot about all the flooding, it has not affected us thank goodness but we really feel for all the people who have had their homes flooded. We would normally have had a good talk about this and I do miss that. But never mind!
This afternoon we went out with Martin, Robbie and Ella (whilst poor Mel was at work!!) and we went to Westward Ho! and into the arcades. Parked in the Disabled Bays and displayed Blue Badge for first time!! Then we had to get to the arcade which was fairly near, but had to look at all the kerbs to cross the road - this is all so new, and we take so much for granted. I can't get the wheelchair over a normal kerb as Pete is about 10 stone and then the wheelchair weighs about 35 to 40 lbs, so it is impossible for me unless we find all the dropped kerbs. Luckily, the arcade was all wheelchair friendly and we had a really enjoyable time there with the kids. We walked along and could see the sea which was quite rough in places and very loud!! Very bracing as they say! Just to get out and about and mix with everyone (again you never think about this) in a normal way was so good. When we came out it was raining again!!
This evening we have done FaceTime with Adrian which is always nice, and Pete really enjoys seeing him, even though he can't say anything. But always a bit emotional when we have finished.
Then, cherry on the cake, we have arranged to go to Martin and Mel for Christmas lunch.
Altogether, a much more positive day.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Rubbish Day

I am finding it very hard to deal with the whole situation today - just going to write it off I think.
No more to say.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Good News and Bad News

Well, today we went to see the Consultant for the follow up appointment after discharge. Pete's blood pressure is fine, but needs to be checked every couple of months through the GP, so have made a note of that. The good news is that Pete is doing very very well physically with his mobility and what he can do, the consultant said that because of the severity of the stroke he was really pleased with his progress in this area. Also he was pleased that Pete has full comprehension of what is going on and what is being said to him, because of this we should be able to sort the communication problems one way or another, he said these will continue to improve for the next couple of years. Good news. He asked about moods and whether Pete ever got so depressed and frustrated that he wanted to end it all (!!??!!), luckily Pete replied with a laugh and shaking of his head. Good news. I mentioned the bouts of extreme anger (which are happening less often thank goodness) and he explained that control of emotions is usually difficult after a stroke, but, again, will improve. He didn't have an answer for sleep problems and the episodes of being hot were nothing to worry about. So far, so good. Then the bad news! Unfortunately, he doesn't think Pete's arm will get any movement back, certainly not enough to be able to use it. But we do continue with Botox as this will keep it loose and stop it from clamping and clawing up. I think we are both agreed that we can live with this, he just has to learn to do everything with his left hand, and I am sure he will. Final good news is that Pete is doing so well he doesn't want to see him again - but, on the other hand, he said he is always there if we want to see him. We just have to go to GP and ask to be referred back and there will be no problem.
Change of subject - driving!!!! Aaaagh!!!! When we got back Pete wanted to say something and eventually looked at all the words he had written out yesterday. Amongst them was the word 'scarf' but couldn't get anything from that, then he picked out 'teacher' , and I immediately thought learn to drive (driving teacher) and, yes, that was it!! We had had to drag Martin out of work for today's visit. I think 'scarf' was 'car'. So ..... First step, I had my photo done for the licence application! I will fill out the form over the weekend. I really have decided I have at least got to try to do it - really we need to win the lottery and employ a chauffeur!! But that's not ever so likely to happen so I must make the effort.
Final good news today, I have been awarded Carer's Allowance whilst I am not working. This is going to really help. I had expected to be turned down as I am still employed.
So, on the whole, lots more good news than bad, and we can cope with the bad.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Wild weather day

The weather today, as forecast, has been really horrendous. Torrential rain at times and gale force winds. Lots of flooding around, but luckily we live at the top of a hill so don't have to worry about that. A very large branch was blown off one of the trees that surrounds our garden, no damage though. (photo today, but not very good as it was pouring with rain and I took it through the window).
Yesterday I tried to contact the secretary to the Consultant that Pete was under at Bideford. He was supposed to have a follow up appointment 8 weeks after discharge and we had heard nothing, and it is now 10 weeks. She was away so had to leave message with another secretary at a different hospital - so didn't expect to hear anything until next week. But then this morning we had a phone call to say he has an appointment tomorrow at 10.30am, so I can't help but think he probably had got lost in the system and so needed a follow up fast!! I hope we may get some advice on the pain in his arm and how that is progressing and also perhaps some advice on his sleeping. Also need to mention the 3 episodes of him feeling really hot in himself although not hot to touch.
There was no physio scheduled for today so were going to do some exercises this afternoon, but never did as too engrossed in watching the weather! However Pete has done a lot of filling in of missing letters and then copying the word out. At least it makes a change from writing names and the alphabet. There is an app we use that shows a picture and writes what it is below it but with letters missing - then gives a selection of 4 or 5 letters to choose from, I tell him which letter is missing and he has to pick it out. He is getting quite good at recognising the letter he needs and only looks at it once before writing it, so this is an improvement, but still can't just write a letter from memory. We have had two sessions of this today and I think he quite enjoys doing it.
We have also done hand massage tonight and loosened up his hand and fingers. He can now get his fingers far enough apart to be able to link his other hand in between and then we rub fingers together and his thumb on the fingers.
So, I am glad we have got the appointment tomorrow and, hopefully, we will find out if he is progressing alright or if there is more we need to do.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Feeling Sad

Today I have felt very sad just to see how hard life is for Pete. I am not feeling really depressed or anything, just sad. He manages so well with things that you just do without thinking, like getting up and down or going to the bathroom or preparing meals. He has to make such an effort with everything. I was also a bit annoyed last night when I read an item saying about how to recognise a stroke when it happens and some Neurologist had said he can stop a lot of damage if he can treat the patient within the first three hours otherwise they are hopeless and helpless cases! NO, this is definitely not the case - there is NO WAY Pete is hopeless and helpless, far from it. Yes, there is an injection that can be given in the first three hours that will stop much of the damage, but if it wasn't a stroke then this injection can be very harmful. So they have to be absolutely certain of the diagnosis, and, as I have learnt, every stroke is different. Pete showed none of the classic symptoms and was a puzzle to the paramedics and the A&E dept, and was only diagnosed when all other possibilities were ruled out. Hence, he missed out on the injection, but hey, some you win some you lose. But it was the 'helpless, hopeless cases' phrase that really made me see red. All in all, from what I have heard, most stroke survivors go on to make remarkable progress even if they don't get back to how they were. OK, so now I have had my say this rant is over!!! I still feel sad to see his struggles though!
After saying yesterday that Pete doesn't sleep well, he took a stronger painkiller before bed last night and he slept really well, we didn't wake for a cup of tea until 6am!! Brilliant!! I don't want him to get reliant on these tablets but, on the other hand, nights are long when you can't sleep.
This morning we decided to make some rock cakes which are easy using the mixer. Pete measured out the ingredients with no problem and also operated the mixer fine, and as you don't have to put them into cake cases, just slap a spoonful on the baking tray, this went well and they are a treat after shop bought cakes. May try a fruit cake next! Mind you, I still don't like cooking (even our dog refused one of my cakes a few years ago!!) but when it is helping Pete's rehabilitation it is worth a go and as, so far, the results are edible we will carry on!
We have seen a bit of sunshine today but the forecast for tomorrow is horrendous and they are switching on the Christmas lights tomorrow evening so don't know how that will go. I think we will just stay at home all warm, dry and snug.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Dead Weight

Pete's right arm, although much more relaxed and looser, is still causing him quite a bit of pain at times. Although he lets the physios work on it, he is reluctant to let me do too much if it is the slightest bit uncomfortable. Sometimes just the sheer weight of it is almost too much, he has tried a couple of different slings to try and make it more comfortable but then the weight of it really hurts his neck. It really is very heavy, there is no way to describe it as you naturally take the weight of it on your shoulders or something - it is sheer dead weight - even I find it heavy to lift it. In the evenings Pete will bathe it in warm water to relax the hand and then rub different textures on it and we do exercises and massage - but, as yet, no vast improvement. Just time I suppose. We also have to be careful that it doesn't just hang too much as this can slowly pull the shoulder out of its joint. He is wearing his splint quite a lot which is helpful.
The other problem he is having at the moment is not sleeping very well at night. He seems to be awake an awful lot, but then he sleeps a bit during the day. He seems to go into a really deep sleep round about 7.30am and again at about 5.30pm, so probably no wonder nights are difficult!! Perhaps he is becoming nocturnal!! Trouble is that nights are so long when you are awake hour after hour. This is why he is taking paracetamol last thing, but doesn't seem to help.
Suzie has been today to do leg core exercises and some arm ones. We haven't got any more speech therapy this week, just one more physio session tomorrow. I tried to do some work with him on communication but he didn't want to do it so didn't get far.
Pete seems to have found it a bit better today, not struggling so much when doing anything. I really hate seeing him having such a hard time and try to help, but he is so determined to do it himself however hard he is finding it. This is one of the hardest things - remembering how he used to get around, it is so sad to see how he is now even though he is doing so well.
The weather today has been really awful, wet and windy, so hoping it will be better tomorrow so that at least he can get out of the house.

Monday, 19 November 2012


Today seems to have been one long struggle from beginning to end, I'm not sure why and there seems to be no specific reason. When we got up everything Pete had to do took a lot of effort, washing, dressing etc. I know when he is finding it hard as he sighs a lot and just keeps saying yes to himself - but even so he wouldn't let me help him, still had to do it all himself. When Suzanne put him through all his exercises and arm stretching, etc. he managed alright and she really worked him hard this morning so I was pleased with that and thought he had got over whatever it was. But later, when Bev came for speech therapy, again he seemed to be finding everything so hard, even Bev noticed that it wasn't going as well as normal, and he was having great difficulty in getting his head nodding and shaking right. He just couldn't seem to make it work today. He has had a short snooze but not for very long so it doesn't seem that he is particularly tired. I am hoping it is just another down day. Our communication hasn't gone well, and even though he hasn't got angry, he has been very frustrated with trying to get something across. We did have some success in that I asked him to draw me a clue and he drew a book - and after about half an hour I understood which books he was talking about. Thinking about it now, this is so good, first time he has drawn me a clue.
We had a bit of a laugh at tea time as decided to cook some pies from the freezer, so off he went to get them and came back empty handed! I just said 'oh, that's ok, I'll get them' when, hey presto, he produced a pie from each pocket!!! He tried to peel a potato but that didn't work well, but will improve with practice - he was disappointed as had indicated he would do them today.
He seems a bit better tonight, not having to struggle so much.
More physio tomorrow and we will try to do a bit more of him giving me clues with the iPad.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Sunday again!

After the last two Sundays I was rather dreading this one - but .... Third time lucky!!! Today has been really good. No angry outbursts, no spells of feeling really hot and it has been a nice relaxing day. Most of the morning was spent in the kitchen - not my favourite place as I am certainly no culinary expert. Yesterday when we were outside Pete spotted some apples still on a tree and went to pick them - after questions I ascertained an apple crumble may be on the menu for today! Preparing lunch went very smoothly with Pete helping do roast chicken breasts and veg, I obviously was much more on the ball today as I got everything he tried to do. Then on to make an apple crumble, again all went well and it was cooked to perfection, as was the first course. I am such a rubbish cook that I feel quite proud of the results (photos today!!)
We have done core leg exercises yesterday and today and also some arm exercises. Then onto foot exercises which I am having a bit of a problem with as I can't get his right heel flat to the floor all the time. I will have to ask Suzanne tomorrow to show me again how to do it. He walked back from the bedroom to the living room with bare feet - this is to get him walking without the ankle brace which pulls his foot up and stops it dragging, this isn't too successful yet but should improve with practice.
After publishing yesterday's post I remembered some other things Pete can do - put the washing into the machine and set it going, take it out and put it in the tumble drier and set that going, this takes quite a lot of effort as can only carry a few bits at a time so has to go backwards and forwards a lot. Empty the drier when it had finished and clear the filter. He can also use the microwave but I have to watch that he doesn't put anything metal in it - he has tried a couple of times! He always checks all our lottery numbers and knows straight away if we have won anything (a rare occurrence, but it happens occasionally), and, finally, he feeds the chinchilla and also a goldfish we have staying at the moment.
All in all, a good, enjoyable day.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Four months on.

As Pete has now mastered getting in and out of the house on his own (he has been in and out like a jack-in-the-box today) I started thinking of how far he had come in the four months since his stroke, and it is truly amazing. When he was transferred to Bideford, five days after the stroke, he could only sit in a special chair that was angled to stop him falling out and a hoist had to be used to get him in and out of bed, he was incontinent and also confused quite a lot of the time. Well, that was then and this is now - he can get in and out of bed with no help and, as the w/chair is now left by the bed, he just gets straight into it. He gets washed and dressed, including shampooing his hair, on his own. I do have to help him have a shower if he wants one and I have to do the button on his left cuff and tie his shoelaces. Then he is off to the living room to put his ankle brace on and then he comes back, using his stick, to help make the bed and to unlock the front door. He gets his own tablets morning and night (I have just put them in a container split in two so he gets the right box) and then can get a bowl of cereal or do toast and butter and make tea or coffee. He has just been to get a packet of crisps and he can't open them!!!! He manages all his bathroom needs and tonight he shut the bathroom window - I have NO idea how he did that as it is very awkward to get at!! It's a good job I didn't see him doing it as probably would have had a fit! He can make his own sandwich for lunch or put a pasty or pie in the oven and get it out. Today we had baguette and soup and he got the baguettes out of the freezer in the porch and put them in the oven, opened the soup and put it in a pan and on the cooker and heated it up, all I did was cut baguettes and pour soup into bowls and take them into the other room. He can wash and dry dishes - always helpful! - and does as much as he can when preparing tea, gets plates out of cupboard, gets veg out, sets table, puts milk and sugar into cups (we always have a pot of tea with the main meal). He can manage the tv to change channels and decide what to watch. Then, at the end of the day he gets washed, undressed and into bed - no probs!! The only thing he can't do is carry food and drinks into the front room where the table is but, no doubt, he will get that sussed eventually!! And, of course, he can get in and out of the house! He can get in and out of the car with minimal help. He can't walk far so we still use the w/chair when we go out. I have now received his Blue Badge parking thing, along with a list of where you can and can't use it, so that will be helpful. Hopefully, as his right leg gets stronger, he will be able to walk further.
Well, I think that is most of what he can do and, I think you will agree, he has made fantastic progress. He is always completely aware of everything and understands all that is said to him. He is very determined and I think that has helped his progress tremendously.
And that's all folks for today!

Friday, 16 November 2012


Last night Pete did not sleep very well at all. I don't know if it was a continuation of not being so good yesterday or just a bad night. He wanted to take 4 paracetamol when we went to bed but managed to persuade him that 2 were plenty. He also wanted the wheelchair left by the bed rather than pushed out of the way, so this was probably a clue that he wasn't expecting to sleep well. He doesn't normally get out of bed during the night, if he needs to do what comes naturally he uses a bottle (too much information???). We always wake up at least once and have a cup of tea but when I woke at about 3am and went to make a cup I could see he had already had one and some biscuits! He had also put all the pans and dishes away that had been left to dry after tea, so had been very busy! He went to sleep after our cup of tea for a while. The went back to sleep again at about 7.30am for a couple of hours. Then he has slept most of the afternoon and again some this evening - so probably not going to sleep again tonight!
When we got up he seemed very down and very emotional for some reason, but cheered up by lunchtime and hasn't been too bad since. He had one period of getting very hot again after tea, but none of this vaguely looking around thank goodness. It wasn't particularly hot in the room, just nicely warm and the heating wasn't on so not sure if this is still something to do with yesterday morning. I am pretty sure he didn't have a temperature as his forehead felt nice and cool - I don't do thermometers and never have done, so we don't have one in the house, come to think of it I don't know what a normal temperature should be!! That's bad!!! But I have always found that feeling the forehead gives you a good clue.
He disappeared for a while this afternoon, front door wide open again - but no sign of him! He had gone out on his own!! He obviously managed alright and then I watched him come back in and he did that ok, put his stick in the right place (which I normally have to do) and no problems. He is getting very independent physically and can do a lot of stuff. We did some numbers this afternoon and he is very good at 1 to 10. Can write most of them and then I was asking him to point to the number I was saying and we were going really fast and he got it right every time, so I think that pathway is well and truly set.
Well, another day done - just got to watch 'I'm a Celebrity' on tv (the only reality show we watch) then off to bed, hopefully to sleep!!!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

My Biggest Fear

My biggest fear is that Pete will have another stroke and either not survive or we will be right back where we started. This morning I was very scared that this was actually happening. He woke me at about 5am (same as last time) and seemed very upset and agitated, he started to get out of bed then got back in and then out again. I managed to ascertain that he felt sick but didn't actually feel that he would be sick. Then he took his t-shirt off so assumed he was very hot but he felt really cold and clammy to touch. Then (and this was so like last time) he started to look all around the room and especially up at the ceiling. The only difference was that last time he didn't respond to me at all but this time he nodded yes that he knew where he was and who I was. I was going to ring the doctor but he indicated no, so was in a bit of a quandry. I really didn't want him to have to go into hospital again but, on the other hand, didn't know if that is where he should be. This went on for about an hour, I kept asking him questions and getting answers ok, then he suddenly seemed to snap out of it and was back to normal. I still don't know whether this is something I should worry about, I think perhaps I ought to ring the consultant's secretary and see whether he is going to be seen again or not. Are episodes like this normal? I need to find out.
As he seemed ok, just a bit restless, when we got up I decided to stick with my plan to meet a friend for coffee and left him waiting for Suzanne to come. She was still there when I got home and said he had been fine and they had had a good session.
He has seemed quite restless all day and we had one very bad attack of anger. But he got over that eventually and Martin took us to Tesco tonight. He still doesn't really seem right but will be keeping a close eye on him. He can't seem to settle to anything, keeps getting up and going off.
I picked up a copy of the North Devon Gazette whilst in town as had been told there was an article about how iPads are helping stroke survivors in it and he was mentioned. If you have been following me you will know we did an interview with Glen from the hospital about a month ago to try and help them get more iPads - the good news is that they have got some more and these are lent to in-patients to try. The iPad is absolutely incredible and has been such a help in his recovery. We are still finding new apps to download, one of the latest is the OS maps which are brilliant when talking about places and where people live etc. and he is quite adept at using it and it can be enlarged so easily. The article was, apparently, also in the NHS magazine 'Pulse' so - fame at last eh!!
I have also seen a large spike in the number of people reading my blog since the articles which is so good. I would welcome any comments if anyone wanted to leave them, hopefully it may be helping other carers as well as helping me! You often feel so alone even though you are not, and to hear from others that are going through the same would be good - also any comments from anyone who is just interested will be appreciated!
Well, as I said I am keeping a close eye on the situation, hope this morning was just a blip and won't happen again any time soon.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

All change again!

It never ceases to surprise me how different the days can be, one or two days down, then up again as if the previous ones never happened! I woke up feeling totally different today and full of optimism that things ARE moving forward, at snails pace, yes, but still moving forward. Luckily Pete seemed to wake up in the same frame of mind and we are back in sync again. Phew, thank goodness for that. Unfortunately, Suzanne was unable to make it today and had to cancel, but she is coming tomorrow instead. For the first time, I won't be here for his session but that is ok she said (I am off for another gossip over a cup of coffee with another one of the girls from work - not that I am one for gossip you understand!!!).
So, after she cancelled, I went to do some shopping and left Pete to do dishes, washing and drying clothes, and he also sorted the fridge. By lunchtime the sun had come out and it was a lovely day and quite warm in the sun. After lunch (and a phone call from a mate to up- date me on everything) we ventured out in the garden. I was handed the compost box and steered outside!! After emptying the compost onto the heap we went into the greenhouse - the first time he has been back into it. There is (or was) a horrible huge cactus in there that I was hoping was going to stay there, but no, it had to come inside for the winter! Then I had to get rid of peppers that had finished and eventually he was satisfied it was all sorted for the winter. So, a good job done.
Pete has spent a lot of time today practising his writing of the alphabet and tonight we tried numbers - I was surprised to find that, with the exception of a couple of them, he knew most of numbers 1 to 10, and then told him 11 and he was away with the rest. Good news. Not everything is gone!!
A friend has suggested we try playing old hits from our younger years, the sort we used to sing along to, and hopefully he may just say the odd word, this is definately worth a try and may be on the agenda for tomorrow! It won't be the Beatles as he used to be a fan of the bad boys - the Rolling Stones!! But there are a lot of records (cd's now) that we have that may work
Ella arrived tonight to tell us she has planted a tree today, and has a certificate to say so! It was an oak tree so hopefully will survive for many years and generations. Photo today of two crazy kids!!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Blocking Me.

No post yesterday, and almost none today either. The problem has been I have felt very weepy the last couple of days and it doesn't take much to set me off. We don't seem to be making any progress and Pete has been quite angry a lot of the time and isn't really letting me in, there are a lot of heavy sighs and much muttering of 'yea' , which is basically all he can say. His head nods and head shakes have been quite muddled over the last 2 days and I have to ask him to calm down and keep asking him the same question until I get a really definite answer. This is quite depressing. If I ask him if there is something wrong he just says no. So I feel we are getting nowhere. His arm has also been painful but, whereas he won't let me do any work on it, he lets the physios, nor has he done any exercises with me. I feel blocked at every turn, but there you go. No doubt things will change, in fact tonight he is practising writing the alphabet (copying) which is something he is letting me help him with. The other problem is that Bev has said about a regular meeting of aphasia sufferers that is starting in Braunton (about 5 miles away) in January and wants us to go - this is easier said than done when I can't drive and so now I'm worrying about that!! I seem to be looking for the downside of everything at the moment so need to pull myself together and start being more optimistic and find answers.
On the upside, Pete has had 2 sessions of physio this week so far, and another tomorrow, and 2 of speech therapy. Suzanne runs an out patient clinic/class once a week at the hospital with equipment such as an exercise bike and she wants Pete to attend that so that could be a bit of a trial as, although it's not far to go, I will have to take him down a narrow road which is a bit scarey!
Just seems to be problem after problem at the moment.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Sunday again!

It all started very well today although Pete didn't want to do any exercises which is starting to get to me as he needs to do them as it is 4 days since his last session but it is no good pressing the point as he just gets angry. It has been a lovely sunny day and quite warm in the sun so he decided to go outside, which is fine, but then he wanted to go up some steps to the greenhouse. I have always refused to let him go up them as the last time he did it was with 2 physios and he nearly went over a few times as there are no rails, but today he was determined and off he went. They are wide so there is plenty of room for his stick and he can go one at a time but as there are no grab rails it was slightly precarious! But, to my surprise, he went up and down with absolutely no problem so his balance must be improving a lot. The photos today are of him out in the sun and also the steps he negotiated.
Then it was time to prepare lunch which was a gammon joint which he has always roasted with honey and mustard - I didn't know where to start and he was trying get everything to do it together. Unfortunately I couldn't understand him and this triggered another of his angry episodes, stick banging and shaking full on. We did eventually get it done but it was a bit of a trial as I just wish he would have a bit of patience - he snaps within seconds without any thought about how to show me. Consequently things were a bit strained for a while and he didn't particularly enjoy eating it as I think I cut it too thickly - I can't get the hang of cutting meat properly never having done it. Then later, when I had to cut the rest of the joint up, we both ended up in tears as I didn't think I was doing it properly and he seemed to be feeling a bit sorry for me! Anyway, another Sunday that didn't go so well!
We have also had a lapse on the dyspraxia side of things in that he got a fork to eat a trifle with, didn't really work that well!!
I am sure Pete was saying 'no' but that seems to have gone now and also he didn't do so well today with mouth and tongue exercises, so I almost feel we are going backwards on the speech side of things. There is certainly no improvement - the speech therapists keep asking 'have any words popped out', the answer is always no, but I am not entirely sure how this works. One day will he suddenly say a word? Don't know.
So today I feel has been a backward step, I hope tomorrow is better.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Gossip Time!!

Another good day for us both. We had a nice lie in again and then a bit of housework and cleaning out our chinchilla Bubbles. Pete has always spoilt Bubbles and even used to sort all her food out depending on what she liked best! She went into a real decline when he was in hospital but is fine now. Pete is back on feeding duty but doesn't sort it like he used to, which was probably unnecessary as she just chucks out what she doesn't like.
We had another visit to the dentist as Pete is getting new dentures, it involves four visits in all and we have now done two. These visits are really easy as (I think I mentioned it before) he doesn't even have to get out of his wheelchair and it is all on one level.
Again we haven't done any exercises but his arm has seemed a bit painful today so didn't push it. He likes to go outside for a while every day so this is now part of the routine.
I have had a really nice evening, went out for a meal with Mel and two girls I work with, we had a good gossip about work and who is doing what! We all work at the hospital as Housekeepers so have lots to talk about! Martin, Robbie and Ella stayed with Pete and they had fish and chips and watched a film. Ella stayed with Pete playing noughts and crosses on the iPad whilst Martin took us to town and then got their chips. When we got back she was playing matching pairs with him - she is an amazing little girl and likes playing games with him, she is brilliant with him and is not fazed by the situation at all. Robbie is equally as accepting that this is how Grandad is now.
Well, I think it is off to bed now as I am quite tired, obviously getting old!!

Friday, 9 November 2012

Form Filling Day

I consider myself to be reasonably intelligent, not quite genius level but fairly compos mentis, but stick a long, complicated official form in front of me and I turn into the classic gibbering idiot! I have to read each question about 6 times before I can answer it, the only exception being my name and address!!! Today has been a form filling day - starting with the application for Carer's Allowance. I managed to complete it with a few crossings out and have posted it off - I'm not ever so hopeful as it looks like you can't get it if you are employed, which I am although I am on unpaid leave. Now just have to wait and see what they say. Also completed the form applying for a Blue Badge which was fairly easy, just sorting out copies of things they wanted proved time consuming. I have also filled out a form for work which is our annual review (even though it's done every six months) and that took a bit of thought as I usually put I am doing the best I can which has always been acceptable but this time I have a few issues with them that need sorting and had to word it politely but get my point across - now have to wait for a date for an interview about it. The final form, which is still looking at me, is an application for a provisional driving licence! I am still trying to psych myself up to learn to drive but it is proving quite difficult!! But one day soon I will have to bite the bullet and do it, filling in the form will be the first step.
We have now got the appointment for Pete's Botox follow up and more injections if necessary so that hospital department is really on the ball.
Pete has been very relaxed today and chilled! At one point I went to find him and saw the front door wide open with no sign of him, as the half step wasn't out I did have a quick panic and expected to find him in a heap outside the door - but no, he was hiding out of sight!! Just winding me up! The other thing he does is pretend to use the wrong leg first (good leg first to go up and bad leg first to go down).
We haven't done any exercises but will make up for it tomorrow.
I am really looking forward to tomorrow as I am going, with Mel, to meet a couple of the girls from work for a meal and a drink. Martin is daddy sitting!!!

Thursday, 8 November 2012


Today has been a nice peaceful and relaxing day with not a lot happening! We have done leg exercises and also some arm exercises (!!) and Pete's arm is definately looser and not so painful today. He tried to move his fingers and whilst I was holding his hand to see if he could I certainly felt a flicker go up his hand by his thumb so feel sure it is starting to wake up.
Anyway, in the absence of anything else to say I thought I would backtrack to when we were preparing for Pete to come home. We are very lucky in that we live in a large ground floor flat so there are no stairs or steps to negotiate once he is inside. The first, and major, alteration was I had to get the bath removed and a walk-in shower installed. Pete's brother Gary's best mate is a plumber so that was easier to arrange than it could have been if we had to shop around for one. The next thing was to measure all the doorways to ensure the wheelchair could get through - box ticked! Then study all the rooms to see if the w/chair could get around. With a bit of rearranging in the living room (which is huge! we have 3 sofas, a desk, a bureau, dining table and chairs, 2 coffee tables, an ottoman, various small tables, tv on a large stand and a chinchilla cage!! And still room for him to get around!!) this was sorted. The bedroom was fine as there is lots of room on his side of the bed and he sleeps nearest the door, so no rearranging there, then, in the kitchen I just had to move a couple of things by the door so that he could get in and out. The spare bedroom has a sofabed so that leaves plenty of room and then the bathroom just had the shower put in and a grab rail put on and then a man came to screw a frame round the toilet just so that there are arms there for him to hold onto. I was a bit worried about this as some frames are awful but this one is quite unobtrusive and I don't notice it now. Pete also had a prescription written for us to collect, free of charge, a perch stool for him in the kitchen, a shower chair and a bedaid which goes under the mattress and has a rail on his side for him to hold onto when getting in and out of bed. We put this on the bed and then asked him where he wanted it positioned - before we knew it it was out the bottom of the bed - he wasn't having that and he has managed perfectly fine without it!! The last thing we had done was the toilet frame and when I rang the hospital to say it was fitted they said he could home that day! Perfect! I must just say that he did come home for a visit so that they could assess what he would need. We also have a very long, straight hallway which was ideal for him to practice his walking. The only other thing we had to have done was the half-step and grab rails by the front door which were after he was home. By the way he can now get in and out that door very easily, all I do is place his stick in the right position and just make sure his bad leg doesn't do a right angled swing!! All in all, not too bad and nothing we can't easily live with.
Today a new game has come out on the iPad! Pete is a big fan of Angry Birds and today the Star Wars version came out so he has been busy on that tonight! Done quite a few levels already. This is actually quite good as it helps concentration and using his left hand. He is naturally right handed but has adapted to his left hand remarkably well.
Yet another long epistle, once I start can't seem to stop - but as I have said before - this is my therapy!

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Health Check - sort of!

A nurse came today to give Pete a quick health check. She came with the speech therapist so is not associated with his GP, from whom we have heard nothing which doesn't really impress me, I would have thought he would make one visit just to check all is ok. Nor have we had any follow up from the hospital which, again, surprises me. But, anyway, this nurse said we should have had a follow up from the hospital as it is now 8 weeks since he was discharged so she was going to check what was happening - I hope she doesn't forget! So, back to today, the nurse had a long questionnaire to fill in with yes or no answers which went fine although Pete said he doesn't sleep well at night which startled me a bit as I thought he did, and also said he has lost weight since he came home which I haven't noticed so will have to try to get him on the scales, perhaps next time he has a shower. She did take his blood pressure which she said was ok so that was a relief as it has occurred to me several times that it should be checked. Ironically Pete did have high blood pressure (really high at times) before the stroke but the day before he had the stroke he had been to the doctor who was pleased and said it had come down a lot and evened out and so put him on repeat medication for it - so that didn't work did it?!?! Anyway we should now get an appointment to have a full check at the hospital with the consultant soon. Sooner the better I say as I do feel we have been left in limbo to a certain extent. It is now 4 months since it happened and he has been home for as long as he was in hospital.
Suzanne and Susie came again and did lots of work on his arm and foot, they are trying to 'wake up' his arm and get his brain to acknowledge it is still there and should be working. More passing the apple again with Suzanne manipulating his arm and hand (that is the photo today) and seeing if she can get his fingers to start gripping - nothing yet, but she is not giving up any time soon!
Pete has seemed quite tired this afternoon and evening, disappeared after tea and I found him asleep on the bed. There is no reason why he could not have indicated this to me so told him I had got worried when he disappeared and to tell me in future. Let's hope he does so but I am not holding my breath!
No therapists tomorrow so will try to do some exercises ourselves but not sure Pete will co-operate with arm exercises. His arm does seem very painful at times and he lets the physios do a lot more than me. We shall see.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Happy Day!

Pete has been very happy and smiley today and all my bad feelings have gone! I had a couple of lovely messages of support after Sunday, one from a young lady who is a carer by profession and she said it is ok and natural to feel resentful and impatient - so that made some of the feelings of guilt recede. Another from a lovely lady who also said she thinks of us a lot and thinks we are doing well, so thank you both, I really appreciate it.
Back to today, I changed the sheets on the bed with a lot of help from Pete and then went to town. When I came back one load of washing was washed and dried and sitting on the bed and the sheets were in the washer - this is how it used to be and felt so normal. He had also cleaned a couple of marks off the carpet - does this sitting in the wheelchair and bending over to rub cleaner in and wash it off. Brilliant!! After lunch we both had a snooze (this could be becoming a bad habit for me but what the hell!!) and then waited for the physio to come - which she didn't! I don't know what happened but as she is one of the first team and should have finished I don't feel I can make too much of a fuss. We tried to do some work on the iPad where I asked him what he would draw if he wanted to ask what we were having for tea - he drew a rabbit!!! I know this was him being silly as he was laughing, but feel quite encouraged that he was actually drawing something without being told. But we didn't get very far as he wasn't taking it seriously!
Then after tea,sausages which he totally cooked himself, we were off to Lidl again. Pete was very excited about this and ready with his coat on early. The trip went really well and got everything we needed, we had a good look round and, again, he stocked up on cake and chocolate! I also just went into the kitchen, wondering where he was, and found him scoffing a trifle we had just bought!
Total change of subject, when I was in town went to buy a poppy and found you can get bracelets (the rubbery ones) now, so got a couple of those as the normal poppies always seem to end up either lost or looking really shabby as if you had recycled last years!
Watching Rolf Harris on tv at the moment - that man is amazing for someone in their eighties.
Well, end of another day and things are looking good at the moment. I have put a photo of a cactus that flowered during August just because it is beautiful and makes me feel all is right with the world.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Normal Service Resumed!

Well, after yesterday being so awful, I surely feel a bit better today, not so resentful but I do still dread it when Pete wants to say something, am I going to get it right or not?
Bev has been here today and she is trying to pursue the drawing side of things in order to try and eventually get him to draw what he wants to talk about - though when he wants to talk about tax rebates, as he did today, I'm not sure what he would draw!!! We are going with the drawing side of it mainly because Pete was, is, a very talented artist/sculptor and this used to be his work. It is just breaking down that barrier that prevents him initiating something, be it writing or drawing. I think we will get there eventually as if you give him a subject he can make a good effort to illustrate it.
Suzanne and Susie came this afternoon to do physio and are working very hard on his right foot and leg. She then got to work on his arm!! She really pushed him to his limits (which is good) and said she can definately feel his arm is a bit looser and that the Botox is starting to work. Although Pete indicated when it got painful she managed to get much more straightening and then, holding his hand and manipulating it, he was taking a wooden apple out of my hand and then replacing it. Although he wasn't actually gripping it himself it is getting the message through to start using his fingers.
I think that is about all for today, hopefully we are now going to keep going forward.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Down Day

I wasn't going to post today as I am feeling quite depressed about the whole situation, but then thought that this is my outlet for my feelings and I want people to understand how a carer can sometimes feel - the bad as well as the good. I don't know why but today it is if it is never going to get any better, (this is stupid as I know that things will improve). The main problem is, of course, this communication business. There really has been no improvement when Pete wants to say something out of the blue - and today, I have to admit, when he has got my attention my first reaction has been 'oh no, not again' I just don't have endless patience like I should have. He must feel this which makes me feel awful. I keep wishing there was an injection for this rather than for his arm - is that wrong? Today I think I would rather he could talk to me somehow or write it down, this seems more important than arm movement. There is absolutely no progress being made in speech and, although he is starting to be able to select the correct letter when asked, he can't just write a word down to give me any clues. I keep thinking about how we used to be then wanting to cry for what we have lost. I don't like to see him just sitting staring into space so have to keep thinking of something for us to do which is pretty relentless. I long for 2 or 3 hours on my own with no worries about where he is or what he is doing or thinking or how the person with him is coping - and I know this is not going to happen for a long long time. He is always on my mind and today, for some reason, I am feeling quite resentful. But I will get over it and we will move on. I am sure, well I certainly hope so, that all carers have days like this and can empathise with me. Another thing is that I was going to fill out a couple of forms today but haven't been able to do so as it almost seems this confirms everything and I still (stupidly) hope we can return to normal.
Sorry that this is a depressing post - but on the up side it has helped me sort my feelings by writing it down and not having to say everything is hunky dory! When anyone asks how things are going the natural reply is 'fine, slow but getting there' and this isn't always so. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be back to normal!

Saturday, 3 November 2012


First of all, there is no way anyone is coming near my face with botox! Ever! I didn't really know what it was, always just assumed it was something that tightened the muscles. Wrong!! Very wrong!! In actual fact it is a muscle relaxant - so I still have no idea how it works in cosmetic surgery. But I digress. It is a poison and something to do with botulism and works by attacking the muscle and stopping it contracting so much, damaging it in fact. But the body does fight it and will eventually recover, so it lasts, on average, three months. Pete had three injections - one in his forearm (for his wrist), one above the elbow and one in his chest up by his shoulder which, apparently, is a large major muscle and, therefore, he basically had his whole arm done. It was a very fine needle and they start with a very low dosage and, I have to say, Pete didn't even flinch so couldn't have hurt. The doctor established that, although he can't speak, he does understand so he told Pete what was he was doing and why. It won't start having an effect until about 7 days time and has to be done in conjunction with physio and also wearing his splint which, truth to tell, Pete has been a bit lax about lately. The only after effects could be bleeding (which worried me as he is on anti-coagulants) and bruising, but, so far, there is absolutely nothing to show where the needle went in! Not a drop of blood (phew) nor any signs of bruising. So now we wait and see what happens. If it works well Pete will go for further injections if he needs them in three months time, possibly with a higher dosage if necessary. It will be interesting to see if the physios see any difference. He also checked Pete's foot but said that didn't need any, nor his leg. He seemed pretty thorough as I thought he would just do the one the physios said about. So, job done, now just keeping our fingers crossed.
Other than that, we don't seem to have done much today.
We can hear lots of fireworks going off round and about us - not a good night weather wise but kids don't seem to mind that. It is also Bridgewater Carnival tonight which quite a few people we know have gone to as it is a major event in the south west. Looking forward to seeing footage of it on the local news tomorrow.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Making his Mark

Today we have been really practicing Pete just writing his name so that he can sign the application form for Carer's Allowance. He has to sign that he knows I am applying for it and, of course, they provide a tiny box and you can't go over the edges!! So he has been trying to make it small enough to go in - several goes later and success!! Obviously it's nothing like his usual signature but they will just have to accept that that is his 'mark' at this stage.
Other things we have done today are exercises on the bed, stretching and strengthening leg muscles, hand massage and also foot exercises to keep his right heel on the floor as it is not naturally going flat yet. Also work on the iPad helping him to recognise letters again. I downloaded a very expensive app (but worth it I think) called Language which is all about reading, writing and making and understanding sentences. He is doing really well on it at the moment although we are still on the 'easy' section. Today we have worked on missing letters where it has a word with letters missing and you have a choice of about 6 different ones to choose from. It sounds simple but Pete has to really concentrate and think about each one - but it is slowly coming I think. He has to re-learn everything to do with language.
I have put photos up of his stick and ankle brace abandoned for the night, and then his wheelchair abandoned for the day!!! He doesn't use the wheelchair at all during the day unless we have to go somewhere, and then it is only because walking is so slow and any distance would really tire him out. I still feel quite odd when I see the wheelchair just sitting there, it is a constant reminder but, on the other hand it is a good sign that it's not being used all the time like it was. Our skirting boards are certainly grateful as they took a real hammering when he was using it all the time!! I was hovering up paint chippings every day!!!
Well, Botox Injection tomorrow, apparently into his forearm (for his wrist and hand) and also one into his biceps. Something to look forward to!! Glad its him and not me - shouldn't really say that but ....
Best go and make a cup of tea now - anyone got any ideas on how to use a walking stick and carry 2 cups with only one hand - a bag didn't really work!!!

Thursday, 1 November 2012


Pete experiences quite a few different moods, I have already said about the anger, other days he is very upbeat and happy, then we can have days when he is very quiet and seems down. Today he has been wanting to be close to me all the time, clingy isn't the word, just when we are sitting on the sofa he wants me right next to him, he keeps taking my hand and putting it to his face and when he is up and about puts his arm around me and pulls me close. This is actually quite nice! He can also be very emotional (much more than he ever was before) and several things can move him to tears - talking about the grandchildren, talking about Adrian, anything on the tv that is about people with problems are just a few examples. In fact, at the moment, we are watching a programme about an 18 year old girl whose joints are locking and really restricting her life and he is very upset, I offered to turn it off but, no, he wants to watch it. Count your blessings, we think we have problems but they are nothing compared to hers and she is still so young. It has also been an eye opener to see how many people in their 20's and 30's have strokes and this can affect the rest of their lives. At least Pete has lived a good, healthy and active life till now and there is a good chance he can still can recover much more in the future.
The weather today has been very cold and wet and windy with hail showers. We have to have the heating on much more than we normally would as, of course, Pete can't move quickly in order to get circulation going and warm up. I am looking forward to getting tucked up in bed tonight as I love the feeling of being warm and cosy in bed whilst listening to the wind howling outside and the rain beating against the window!!!
We said goodbye to Rachel, speech and language therapist, today which was a bit sad as she has worked with him since he was admitted to Bideford Hospital but Bev and Alison, who are taking over, are both really nice, so no problem there.
Tesco shop delivered today and the fish was there and that is what we had for tea!! So still don't know what the problem was a couple of days ago although Pete did smile at me when he got it out of the freezer - will remain one of the mysteries of life!!