First of all, there is no way anyone is coming near my face with botox! Ever! I didn't really know what it was, always just assumed it was something that tightened the muscles. Wrong!! Very wrong!! In actual fact it is a muscle relaxant - so I still have no idea how it works in cosmetic surgery. But I digress. It is a poison and something to do with botulism and works by attacking the muscle and stopping it contracting so much, damaging it in fact. But the body does fight it and will eventually recover, so it lasts, on average, three months. Pete had three injections - one in his forearm (for his wrist), one above the elbow and one in his chest up by his shoulder which, apparently, is a large major muscle and, therefore, he basically had his whole arm done. It was a very fine needle and they start with a very low dosage and, I have to say, Pete didn't even flinch so couldn't have hurt. The doctor established that, although he can't speak, he does understand so he told Pete what was he was doing and why. It won't start having an effect until about 7 days time and has to be done in conjunction with physio and also wearing his splint which, truth to tell, Pete has been a bit lax about lately. The only after effects could be bleeding (which worried me as he is on anti-coagulants) and bruising, but, so far, there is absolutely nothing to show where the needle went in! Not a drop of blood (phew) nor any signs of bruising. So now we wait and see what happens. If it works well Pete will go for further injections if he needs them in three months time, possibly with a higher dosage if necessary. It will be interesting to see if the physios see any difference. He also checked Pete's foot but said that didn't need any, nor his leg. He seemed pretty thorough as I thought he would just do the one the physios said about. So, job done, now just keeping our fingers crossed.
Other than that, we don't seem to have done much today.
We can hear lots of fireworks going off round and about us - not a good night weather wise but kids don't seem to mind that. It is also Bridgewater Carnival tonight which quite a few people we know have gone to as it is a major event in the south west. Looking forward to seeing footage of it on the local news tomorrow.
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