Friday, 2 November 2012

Making his Mark

Today we have been really practicing Pete just writing his name so that he can sign the application form for Carer's Allowance. He has to sign that he knows I am applying for it and, of course, they provide a tiny box and you can't go over the edges!! So he has been trying to make it small enough to go in - several goes later and success!! Obviously it's nothing like his usual signature but they will just have to accept that that is his 'mark' at this stage.
Other things we have done today are exercises on the bed, stretching and strengthening leg muscles, hand massage and also foot exercises to keep his right heel on the floor as it is not naturally going flat yet. Also work on the iPad helping him to recognise letters again. I downloaded a very expensive app (but worth it I think) called Language which is all about reading, writing and making and understanding sentences. He is doing really well on it at the moment although we are still on the 'easy' section. Today we have worked on missing letters where it has a word with letters missing and you have a choice of about 6 different ones to choose from. It sounds simple but Pete has to really concentrate and think about each one - but it is slowly coming I think. He has to re-learn everything to do with language.
I have put photos up of his stick and ankle brace abandoned for the night, and then his wheelchair abandoned for the day!!! He doesn't use the wheelchair at all during the day unless we have to go somewhere, and then it is only because walking is so slow and any distance would really tire him out. I still feel quite odd when I see the wheelchair just sitting there, it is a constant reminder but, on the other hand it is a good sign that it's not being used all the time like it was. Our skirting boards are certainly grateful as they took a real hammering when he was using it all the time!! I was hovering up paint chippings every day!!!
Well, Botox Injection tomorrow, apparently into his forearm (for his wrist and hand) and also one into his biceps. Something to look forward to!! Glad its him and not me - shouldn't really say that but ....
Best go and make a cup of tea now - anyone got any ideas on how to use a walking stick and carry 2 cups with only one hand - a bag didn't really work!!!

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