Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Health Check - sort of!

A nurse came today to give Pete a quick health check. She came with the speech therapist so is not associated with his GP, from whom we have heard nothing which doesn't really impress me, I would have thought he would make one visit just to check all is ok. Nor have we had any follow up from the hospital which, again, surprises me. But, anyway, this nurse said we should have had a follow up from the hospital as it is now 8 weeks since he was discharged so she was going to check what was happening - I hope she doesn't forget! So, back to today, the nurse had a long questionnaire to fill in with yes or no answers which went fine although Pete said he doesn't sleep well at night which startled me a bit as I thought he did, and also said he has lost weight since he came home which I haven't noticed so will have to try to get him on the scales, perhaps next time he has a shower. She did take his blood pressure which she said was ok so that was a relief as it has occurred to me several times that it should be checked. Ironically Pete did have high blood pressure (really high at times) before the stroke but the day before he had the stroke he had been to the doctor who was pleased and said it had come down a lot and evened out and so put him on repeat medication for it - so that didn't work did it?!?! Anyway we should now get an appointment to have a full check at the hospital with the consultant soon. Sooner the better I say as I do feel we have been left in limbo to a certain extent. It is now 4 months since it happened and he has been home for as long as he was in hospital.
Suzanne and Susie came again and did lots of work on his arm and foot, they are trying to 'wake up' his arm and get his brain to acknowledge it is still there and should be working. More passing the apple again with Suzanne manipulating his arm and hand (that is the photo today) and seeing if she can get his fingers to start gripping - nothing yet, but she is not giving up any time soon!
Pete has seemed quite tired this afternoon and evening, disappeared after tea and I found him asleep on the bed. There is no reason why he could not have indicated this to me so told him I had got worried when he disappeared and to tell me in future. Let's hope he does so but I am not holding my breath!
No therapists tomorrow so will try to do some exercises ourselves but not sure Pete will co-operate with arm exercises. His arm does seem very painful at times and he lets the physios do a lot more than me. We shall see.

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