Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Dead Weight

Pete's right arm, although much more relaxed and looser, is still causing him quite a bit of pain at times. Although he lets the physios work on it, he is reluctant to let me do too much if it is the slightest bit uncomfortable. Sometimes just the sheer weight of it is almost too much, he has tried a couple of different slings to try and make it more comfortable but then the weight of it really hurts his neck. It really is very heavy, there is no way to describe it as you naturally take the weight of it on your shoulders or something - it is sheer dead weight - even I find it heavy to lift it. In the evenings Pete will bathe it in warm water to relax the hand and then rub different textures on it and we do exercises and massage - but, as yet, no vast improvement. Just time I suppose. We also have to be careful that it doesn't just hang too much as this can slowly pull the shoulder out of its joint. He is wearing his splint quite a lot which is helpful.
The other problem he is having at the moment is not sleeping very well at night. He seems to be awake an awful lot, but then he sleeps a bit during the day. He seems to go into a really deep sleep round about 7.30am and again at about 5.30pm, so probably no wonder nights are difficult!! Perhaps he is becoming nocturnal!! Trouble is that nights are so long when you are awake hour after hour. This is why he is taking paracetamol last thing, but doesn't seem to help.
Suzie has been today to do leg core exercises and some arm ones. We haven't got any more speech therapy this week, just one more physio session tomorrow. I tried to do some work with him on communication but he didn't want to do it so didn't get far.
Pete seems to have found it a bit better today, not struggling so much when doing anything. I really hate seeing him having such a hard time and try to help, but he is so determined to do it himself however hard he is finding it. This is one of the hardest things - remembering how he used to get around, it is so sad to see how he is now even though he is doing so well.
The weather today has been really awful, wet and windy, so hoping it will be better tomorrow so that at least he can get out of the house.

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