Thursday, 1 November 2012


Pete experiences quite a few different moods, I have already said about the anger, other days he is very upbeat and happy, then we can have days when he is very quiet and seems down. Today he has been wanting to be close to me all the time, clingy isn't the word, just when we are sitting on the sofa he wants me right next to him, he keeps taking my hand and putting it to his face and when he is up and about puts his arm around me and pulls me close. This is actually quite nice! He can also be very emotional (much more than he ever was before) and several things can move him to tears - talking about the grandchildren, talking about Adrian, anything on the tv that is about people with problems are just a few examples. In fact, at the moment, we are watching a programme about an 18 year old girl whose joints are locking and really restricting her life and he is very upset, I offered to turn it off but, no, he wants to watch it. Count your blessings, we think we have problems but they are nothing compared to hers and she is still so young. It has also been an eye opener to see how many people in their 20's and 30's have strokes and this can affect the rest of their lives. At least Pete has lived a good, healthy and active life till now and there is a good chance he can still can recover much more in the future.
The weather today has been very cold and wet and windy with hail showers. We have to have the heating on much more than we normally would as, of course, Pete can't move quickly in order to get circulation going and warm up. I am looking forward to getting tucked up in bed tonight as I love the feeling of being warm and cosy in bed whilst listening to the wind howling outside and the rain beating against the window!!!
We said goodbye to Rachel, speech and language therapist, today which was a bit sad as she has worked with him since he was admitted to Bideford Hospital but Bev and Alison, who are taking over, are both really nice, so no problem there.
Tesco shop delivered today and the fish was there and that is what we had for tea!! So still don't know what the problem was a couple of days ago although Pete did smile at me when he got it out of the freezer - will remain one of the mysteries of life!!

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