Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Down, Up and Down again

This morning Pete again indicated he felt sad. I mentioned this to Rachel (his amazing Speech Therapist) and so she decided to get to the bottom of it. By going round all the options she established his mobility is a problem. Specifically, he wants to go shopping in Lidyl (spelling? Not sure, but it is the supermarket we always went to) and also wants to be more involved in cooking meals. This is understandable as I am definitely NOT a good cook!! The supermarket visit is now arranged for tomorrow but the cooking is more of a problem but will see what we can do. Obviously I have not been buying the right groceries!!!
So now we feel more upbeat and then we were having grab rails fitted and then a phone call to say the wheelchair man was coming to change the wheels on his chair to self propelling so that he could use his good arm to help get around (he has been using his left foot to drag himself along). Things were looking good. These men duly arrived and did what they had to do. After the rails were fitted we ventured out but it did not go well for some reason and he got cross, then we tried the wheelchair and that didn't go well either! It is slightly wider now and he has to learn how to manoeuvre it again and he didn't want to turn the wheel. I must admit that I got annoyed and resentful as it seemed to me that all these people were trying to make his life easier and he wasn't playing his part. I know this is wrong of me but sometimes you just can't help yourself and I get overwhelmed by the whole situation. There was an atmosphere you could cut with a knife for a while but as I am writing this he seems to be trying using the self propelling wheel. I am hopeful things will work out but feel so guilty and selfish - for God's sake it is so much worse for him. I hope people will try to understand and forgive me!
To go back to the t-shirt challenge, you have to get it off the left hand and arm first, then over your head and then slide it down your right arm. Remember, the right arm is TOTALLY non-active so not even a twitch to help!
I think I have probably said enough for today - this blog is my therapy and I can tend to go on a bit.
Therefore, that is all for tonight.

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