Monday, 22 October 2012

Wonderful weekend

We have all had a good weekend. The only down side has been that Pete's right arm and hand seem to be quite painful at the moment. This means we have not been doing the exercises that we should and that worries me. He is due to have a Botox injection into his wrist in two weeks, so hopefully this will release the muscles a bit and we can get back to exercising. The physios stretch them every day and he lets them do more than me so all is not lost! On the up side, he has been doing a lot of walking and over the last two days has only used his wheelchair to go to bed (he needs to sit in it to get washed and undressed then to get into bed) and when he first gets up for the same reasons. This is so good - it is very slow walking but at least he is doing more. The physios today said just the last two days have really strengthened the muscles in his leg and they are firing a lot better than even last Friday. We have not had any major communication problems over the weekend, just minor ones that he seems quite happy to abandon.
So, now to introduce you to our family. Our elder son is Martin and he has been married to Mel for 10 years, they have 3 gorgeous children - Josh, aged 12, Robbie, aged 9 and Ella, aged 6. They live near us and have been wonderful. Our younger son is Adrian and he lives in Bristol with his partner Amie. They have been together nearly 4 years. At this point I have to say that both our sons have got amazing partners - they are both lovely ladies. Adrian and Amie came down to stay on Saturday and we all had a lovely time on Sunday - the family all together and Mel cooked a superb roast for us all. I think Pete was grateful for a decent meal!!! The horrible thing is that Adrian and Amie went home today only to find they had been burgled. This has put us in a very sad mood and Pete is very upset, especially because he can't talk to Adrian himself.
The photos were taken on Sunday and, in order, they show the following: 1)Martin and Mel, 2)Josh, Robbie and Ella 3) Adrian and Amie 4)Martin, Mel, Adrian and Amie with Ella squeezed in! 5)Martin,Mel,Adrian,Amie,Robbie and Ella. We are so proud of them all. I think now I have got the order wrong - Martin is the one with the black and orange t-shirt and Adrian is the one with the owl t-shirt! Hope you can figure it out!!!

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