Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Pushing Rocks with Feathers

Today has been a real pushing rocks with feathers day due to this damn aphasia making its presence well and truly felt. We have had several episodes of Pete wanting to say something and me just not getting it, despite trying my best. On days like this I feel totally down and such a failure. The first episode was over, of all things, frozen fish!!! I have to do a tesco online shop which sends me into a panic just thinking about it, and Pete was looking down my list which included the frozen fish, he then went into total rage (why?) and after a couple of trips to the freezer I still couldn't get whether he wants me to buy or not to buy and what sort to get, if any. He took the box we had out of the drawer it was in and threw it into another one. He was getting more and more angry the more I tried to establish what he was saying (his rages seem to be getting more intense and he literally shakes with anger and thumps his stick on the floor), luckily Martin and family arrived and he calmed down and gave them no indication of what had been going on. I have not returned to the subject as,to be honest, I'm a bit scared to mention it again - and nor is the shop done!! Later on he went to the bureau and started looking at papers on there so asked was he looking for something - yes, some sort of paperwork? Yes. But after suggesting loads of subjects and looking through drawers just couldn't find what he wanted - honestly I suggested everything but none was right, had to give up and luckily this didn't anger him, then cooking tea he suddenly stomped off in a temper so carried on on my own and still don't know what I did wrong. There have been a couple of other things as well that we had to give up on. Although he can now draw some things if you ask him to, he still can't initiate a drawing on his own so this hasn't really helped. So, all in all, today has been another rubbish day (apart from the fact that the car passed the MOT - yay) which I will be glad to see the back off.
We had a spell of good smiley days but now seem to be in a spell of miserable days. I think his arm and hand are very painful at the moment which doesn't help him at all, so roll on Saturday and the Botox injection.
Well, I feel a little better after that rant!!
It certainly helps me to get it out of my system and get ready to face another day - hopefully we will move onto a better few days.

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