Monday, 15 October 2012


First of all, the awful photo is me!!! Thought you may like to see the face behind all this - sorry about that!
Today has been a bit of a downer with Pete distinctly out of sorts and depressed. This morning he indicated (by looking at pictures) that he felt sad. After further questions I think he is upset about his loss of independence. I couldn't get any further than that as he was getting a bit angry - this is one way in which he as changed. He was always very easy going but now can get very angry very quickly and I have learnt that I have to quietly ask him to calm down and that we will drop the subject, this seems to work. But today nothing would bring a smile so, very selfishly, I decided to go to town to get him some new t-shirts in a bigger size. He needs bigger ones to enable him to get them on and off himself - try it yourself, try to get a t-shirt on and then off only using your left hand and arm, not easy!! But he can do it providing there is plenty of room to manoeuvre. Funnily enough whilst in the shop a jumper in just my size also fell into the basket - nothing like retail therapy!
He cheered up when Bev, speech therapist, came with Glen who is trying to make a case for the use of iPads in stroke recovery. In our opinion, the iPad has been invaluable and hopefully we have helped their cause.
Louise and Suzie, physios, came soon after and had a good session. Took Pete outside and up some garden steps. There were a few dodgy moments as the steps were slippery but at least he did it. Tomorrow a man is coming to fix grab rails outside the front door, so another good move.
After tea Pete had a really good snooze, not even really surfacing when Martin, Robbie and Ella arrived, but did him good I think. He is still very quiet tonight but, hey, he's allowed!
Kids are great aren't they, just accepting the situation. When Ella went she said to me 'tell Grandad I love him', so knowing and she is only 6.
And here ends today's tale.

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