Well, after 2 down days Pete is now much happier again. No post yesterday as time just flew by in the evening. Pete woke up back to his usual self yesterday, I went shopping in the morning and got back to find cup of tea ready (he watches for me coming home and gets the kettle on) and plenty of smiles. Physio in the afternoon with Suzie and plenty of leg stretching exercises on the bed to get the muscles firing and strengthening. Pete always enjoys his physio (could it be the attention of these young ladies!!!)
Then, after tea we had arranged to visit Lidls supermarket with Martin. Pete was so looking forward to this. We had to wait for Ella who had been at her friends for tea, but eventually off we went. A few cross expressions getting out of the front door as it seems I don't put his stick in the right place!! On arrival at the shop we took the liberty of parking in the disabled spaces even though we haven't got a certificate yet but, what the hell, I was ready for any comments - as is always the case, when you are ready to argue no-one challenges you. Pete had a great time picking stuff for the trolley and I managed to steer alright. Then back home where he helped put it away. I'm sure he felt very satisfied with himself. A few exciting minutes when Martin spotted a fox in the drive but it had gone by the time the rest of us got there. Finally went to bed totally shattered, but one more good thing - we won £5 on the lottery!! Pete always checks our numbers.
Today has been equally as good with speech therapy this morning and physio this afternoon, they took him in and out the front door so I think I have it sussed now! At the moment he is watching You've Been Framed and almost on the floor laughing. One sad thing is that we used to be fans of crime programmes (CSI etc.) but Pete finds these hard to follow now and can't understand the plots, he still gets Eastenders and documentaries but anything needing a lot of concentration is still hard for him. It's like his reading, he can read and understand one sentence but, get onto paragraphs and he can't process it all. He is ok if I read things out to him slowly but just can't do it on his own. We have had plenty of time on the iPad today playing simple games which helps concentration.
The photo is of Pete, Robbie and Ella (yes, she has a lions face!!) after our big shop.
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