Sunday, 28 October 2012


I woke this morning feeling slightly sick and full of trepidation - was Pete still going to be full of rage like yesterday? Fortunately, the anger seemed to have worked itself out! No sign of it at all today - it has been a very mellow day doing nothing very much. Also, he has been making an effort to do some of the daily jobs he used to do. He started by unlocking the front door, doesn't sound like much but he always did it (and locked up at night) and this morning he went off and did it for me. Then he helped make the bed and tidy a bit. For lunch we had a casserole and he got the meat and all the veg for it. I peeled and chopped and he arranged in dish! He also opened a tin of soup on his own using our new one touch can opener - ideal! (incidentally, we also bought the one touch jar opener, this is absolutely no use at all and is going back to the shop tomorrow - he manages better on his own). The casserole was absolutely delicious after he indicated all the things that go in to make the gravy - not just the bisto you know, oh no! A bit of this and a bit of that!
This afternoon we have watched a couple of films on the tv just relaxing. No exercises or anything today.
I did all the clocks last night and was woken up at 2.55 am by a beeping noise, got up to investigate and, in the dark, managed to crash into the wheelchair - I totally forgot it was there!! So today I am sporting a rather nice bruise on my leg - sympathy please!! The noise was on a bedside clock in the spare bedroom which I had managed to change and set the alarm on! Pete slept through it, so no sympathy there then!! We always wake up at least once during the night and have a cup of tea, this is a habit that needs breaking!!!
The photo today is just one of us that Adrian took just before they left to go home last Monday - I just like it!

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